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Let's Talk About SHUUKATSU in ENGLISH 2nd
1 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:17
Come on! Everybody!

2 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:18

3 名前:東京大学 ◆x9UhYIgWj. :03/06/10 01:19
Good job.

4 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:20
Get the fuck outa here.

5 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:20

6 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:20

7 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:21
I love u

8 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:21
東京大学 ◆x9UhYIgWj

Just leave him alone.

9 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 01:22
thank you.
i love you, too.

10 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/10 01:40
how cool, we've got a new one here.

11 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 02:32

12 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 11:00

13 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 11:11

14 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 12:44
What's up punks?
You'd better to looking for what you can be turkey!!

15 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 13:19
what? I don't really know what you are talking about/
what is 'turkey'???

16 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 13:30
    l''":;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`:,、        / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   r':;:;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:_;;:、ノ`',..`"!:;:'、    r‐'ゝ<  これからは英語よりハングルニダ!
  ,ィ";:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:〉  ーr-r-、ヾリ  ,r'-、ノ  \_______
  `i、:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;〉 /;',ヘ.  ̄フヽ ,.ィ"  :i
   ゝ、;:;:;:;:;:;:r' |i' lーj  r,"r':i'"   /
     ヾ、;:;:;:;~i  ~     `1   /
      〈,--く     _,.-"   /
      ,.:"   `ー''''"      :i
     i  i   白 木 屋   |
     |   ヽ          ,,.ハ
      ヾ  ヽ     _,,.-‐''"  ,!
        `ヽr'^''''''"~~~     /
     〈`ヽr'"~        ,.-''/
     `ゝ ヽ    ,,..-‐''" ,.:'

17 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:47
Turkey means "Bastard" You got it?

18 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:49
give me foods.
I am hungry.

19 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:52
omaera atama iidesune-.
(You all are very smart.)

20 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:52
still don't get you

21 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:53
baka oosugi-.
(There are so many idiots.)

22 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:54
Give me the turkey.

23 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:57
What is the weather like today?

24 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 14:58
I don’t know. I am in my room with all the shutters closed.

25 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 15:04
you are the one who is fuckin' stupid
nobody would understand your eng cuz you are nuts
go to hell you pussy

26 名前:25 :03/06/10 15:05
never come back to this thread again

27 名前:21 :03/06/10 15:08
What did I do?
Was it so serious?

28 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 15:40
hahaha,You rules!!I think you totaly smart^^

29 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:39
kinda funny, isn't it?

30 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:40
not much.

31 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:42
really? so im gonna wander

32 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:43
go wandering. im gonna swander.

33 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:55
you'd be so nice to come home to.

34 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:56
in a sentimental mood

35 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:56
I like onanie&SEX

36 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:58
you'd be so nice by the fire.

37 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:58
you'd be so nice under the moonlight.

38 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 16:59
dancin' in the moonlight

39 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 17:00
Starman / David Bowie

40 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 21:04

41 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 21:05

42 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 22:52

43 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:05
I'm so depressed thinking about coming job hunting...
I haven't decided what I exactly want to do in my future
and time goes so fast...

44 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/10 23:21
not so long ago, i was thinking in exactly the same way as you do now...
don't worry, that's what everybody goes through.
just do whatever you can... go easy & don't think too much
and you'll find the way. *hugs*

45 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:33
no reason black
i.m sick
but i'm try to live up to expectation

46 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:50

47 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:52

48 名前:46 :03/06/10 23:55

49 名前:46 :03/06/10 23:56

50 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:57

51 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:57

52 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/10 23:58

53 名前:46 :03/06/11 00:01

54 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/11 00:02
got ya

55 名前:43 :03/06/11 00:23
>>44=nasty girl
Thank you for cheering me up
I'll do my best

56 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/11 00:24
it's alright. you should be happy.

57 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:27
My name is Yuko Abe.

58 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/11 00:29
what's up, yuko

59 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:32
I think you shouldn't reveal your full name here...

60 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:32
Who is Yuko Abe?

61 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:33
I'm writing.

62 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:34
It must have been her fake one, I suppose.

63 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/11 00:36
i coincidentally have a friend whose name is yuko abe.lol
anyway, the name is pretty common

64 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:37
are you fucking me?

65 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:38
who the heck you talkin' to?

66 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:40
lick my dick

67 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:41
Cut ya little dick, boy. Get da phcuk off.

68 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:41
no answer from Yuko Abe

69 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:42
suck my dick

70 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:43
>>69 No thank you becuz it stinks.

71 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:44
what r u talkin' about

72 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:45
'bout your hairstyle.

73 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:46
Oh! you are mike!

74 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:47
no, i'm not. i'm george

75 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 00:47
>>71 Smell your dick.
It's horrible.
Did you know that?

76 名前:10chは神 :03/06/11 00:49
oh, you're nancy!

77 名前:柿野 :03/06/11 01:41
You are millionare, aren't you.
You shoud employ interpreter.

78 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 01:42

79 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 01:46

80 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 01:49

81 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 01:50

82 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 02:58
Get out of here punks!!
If you feel uncomfortable, Its not your business.Get out.

Or, if you wanna say something like that,You'd better to write in Eng.

83 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 03:00

84 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 03:08
uruse- boke
datte- eigo kakenai mo-nnda

85 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 16:39
get outa here, then
you bastard

86 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 16:41

87 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 23:49
(´・∀・)っ ナイストゥミートソース

88 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/11 23:50

89 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/12 01:34

90 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/12 07:32
bokki is best of my friends!

91 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/12 07:36
Morning :-)
you've gotta find more friends!
there would be far much better ones!

92 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/14 04:47
A: It's too late to say I love you.
B: It's too early.


93 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/14 15:31
it's not what you can say just like that.
keep it for special

94 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/14 15:35
I have no one special for me.

95 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/14 15:37

96 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/14 15:38
What's the Fuck!!

97 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/14 15:39
Fuck is a word for you.

98 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/14 22:58
what i meant by "special" wasn't a person but an imporatant moment.
it would be meaningless when you say it occasionally.

99 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 06:10
wow, never thought that i would find a thread like this.
kinda neat to find all these people trying to write in english.
So, nasty girl, where you from?

100 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 06:17
forget about it!!!

I have got 100!!

101 名前:神崎 :03/06/15 06:37

102 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 06:39
Thanks a lot!

103 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 06:45
we're you just sitting in front of the pc, waiting ハァハァ for 100?

L O S E R ハケーン

104 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 06:55
Who can translate the >>103's???

105 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 07:02
Ok, before you ask any more questions, brush up your english.
one advice, wrong place to add a "the" and you need to add "comment"
to complete your inquiry sentence. Looks better right?

106 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/15 07:46
be nice to each other. :-)

107 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 07:53
So, 神崎、 where are you gonna work.

108 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/15 07:54
ad agency. yourself?

109 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/15 08:09
I found your comment hehe...
gonna work for some bank, right?

110 名前:東京大学 ◆x9UhYIgWj. :03/06/15 08:59
Today is English test in 1st grade.

111 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 09:36
it rains like cats & dogs.

112 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 09:38

113 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 09:46
Yep, one of those mega banks. looking forward to all the crap that's
probably lying around. makes me feel reaal PROUD.

114 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/15 09:51
sorry, I didnt catch you.
whats the crap, anyway?

115 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 09:59
I meant that I am going to have to put with a lot of shit when I get in.
What did you think I meant?

116 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/15 10:11
I got you.
guessed so, but didnt understand how it makes you proud. :)

117 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 10:13
English please.

118 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 10:15
It was a form of expression using nhilism.

119 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 11:09
...and you are??

120 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 11:13
"What the hell!!"
Please teach me this(↑) meaning.

121 名前:優作 :03/06/15 11:14

122 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 11:20
( -。-)Fuuuuuuu・・・ (o>ロ<)oHELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

123 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/15 13:36
sorry for the late reply...
i was born and raised in tokyo
and you?
i am glad to have another kote-han in this thread
hope you will come here often and enjoy yourself
you are always welcome:)

124 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/15 15:31
hey, thanx nasty. well, I'm a hama-kko.

well... what the heck, it means "sorede anata wa dare?"

125 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 15:33
Oh, No. I can't understand and speak and write English.

So, Please write you Japanese.

he,he,he,he---------ckshon. uuups. Excuse me.

126 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/15 15:43
cool. i used to play pool at Kannai when i was a first-year

127 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 15:47
i am exahaused to apply for the job !!
i have been looking for
but i couldn't ! i coukdn't find the job!
help me !! fuck me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

128 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:00
Fuck me!!!

129 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:01
Everybody, Don't care anything.

T H I S  I S  2 C H A N N E L !!

130 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:13

131 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:18

132 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:35
And you...? Japanese is prohibited here.
Lick your ass if you still wanna stick to us
And then we will welcome you, haaaaaha.

133 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:37

134 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:38
Excuse me, you guys have Kanzaki here?

135 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:44


136 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:46
say that in English
It's not convincing at all.

137 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:46
OK, OK, go ahead, then.
I was lokking for somebody to talk with.

138 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:47
oopsi mistake!!

say that in English
It's not convincing at all.

139 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:48
hey, 132 said that in Englsh.

140 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:48
Are you HIKKIE ?? :D

141 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:49

142 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:54
Actually,me too. Plz be nice to me :D

143 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 16:58
Oh, really? In fact I'm not.w
Anyway, did you take any advantage in looking for a job by speaking English?

144 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:00
Never mind. Being able to understand English isnt an special thing.
English is just one of the languages,which is same as Japanese.
Anybody can learn it.
Most of Japanese except for the little excepcion can speak Japanese,right?
Being able to understand English DOESNT mean being sperior to other people :D

145 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:03
I dont think so. There's many student's who have higher TOEIC score,
and moreover, the most human resourse staff dont recognize ENGLIGH as INPORTANT skill.

The important thing is charactor, I think.

146 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:12
I agree, although all the Naiteishas speak English in the company which I will work for, w

147 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:13
so, you are gonna work for a foreign company, right?

148 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:14

149 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:15
financial, pharmaceutical, or... I don't know, are there any foreign companies branch in jpn.

150 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:28
and Law Firms

151 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:31
What's the foreigh Law firm in JPN?

152 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:32
what's the meaning of "foreigh"?

153 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 17:50
...Clifford Chance, for example.

154 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:34
hi kids. :-)

155 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 18:36
foreign tyauno?

156 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:38
dont be so sensitive, man.

157 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 18:38
oh, Hi!
I was looking for you.
did you find the key?

158 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:40
ah, yes. I found it, but right now, I am using the another PC of mine.

159 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:40
so, this trip :D

160 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 18:41
I see, so you're now Morpheus. w

161 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:42
hehe, you one of those? LoL

162 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 18:44
Yeah, Yeah w
sometimes I wrote "harahetta"
sorry, I was one of the imitators.

163 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:46
dont be sorry, it was just for fun.
how are you goin by the way?

164 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 18:51
I'm leaving the real world for Matrix(2Ch). w
I hope you'll make the Nareai exciting.

165 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/15 18:54
Oh I must go now, see ya Kanz.

166 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:54
Good, man.
I'm also planning to leave, by the way.
at present, I have been enjoying being nanashi a lot, though. w

167 名前:神崎 ◆FL6pGotkUE :03/06/15 18:55
Okay, see ya. :-)

168 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/16 23:50

169 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/16 23:55
It's a long time no see.
wassup, guys?

170 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/16 23:56
very tiredoooooooooooo

171 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/16 23:58
take care of urself, 'coz ur the only one.

172 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 00:00
Im ganna go to Tokyo from Kyoto tommorow morning.
Kind of DARUI..............

173 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 00:00
it's time to touch myself. Pants off.

174 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 00:01
sounds hard.
anyway, could be nice, suppose.

175 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 00:02

176 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 00:02
Pants off and jerk off!!

177 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 00:04

178 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 00:06
He is she.

179 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 00:09
so what? it matters?

180 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:12
Can anyone hear me?

181 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:14
im here, what's up?

182 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:16
Nothing special, But who are you?
Why you're the third?

183 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:16

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ikagana monoka!?

184 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:18
when u see the first thread, you'll have got it.
anyway, me neither.

185 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:21
Nothing special? Really?
Are you waiting for somebody?

186 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:24
How can I get the ex-thread? or I can't?

187 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:24
no, not so much.
but feel lonesome, so im stayin' here.

188 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:28
mightbe you cant, coz it's now in the dat area.
if you have an account for 2ch, maybe you can.

189 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:28
hah, Yeah, I see, then.
I understand that you devote youself to 2ch instead of your study.
take care (me too)

190 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:31
thank you. so I can't.

191 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:31
huh, ur right.
anyway, thx for ur care, you've gotta hanging there.

192 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:32
no prob, 'tis my pleasure.
btw, is there any topic?

193 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:34
Lavori o studi?

194 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:36
Sono cosi stancato per il mio lavoro.

195 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:36
Oh I guess we happen to talk about you, (>>193)
Is that Italian?

196 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:37
right. kinda kool language...LOL

197 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:39
I know. How did you get that language?
I'm jealous :-)

198 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:43
once you try, you cant stop learning, coz Italian is very nice and fancy language.
if you wanna try, just listen the radio program of NHK, and get the text.
it'll be good to ya.

199 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:44
Masturbation is fun.
And it is a secret of health
Let's do masuturbation at least once a day.

200 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:44
enjoy it.

201 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:46
Yes, I get another language by the NHK program.
...but I guess I muts concentrate on Eng w

202 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:47
maybe i know you...hehehe.
?Quiza espanol?

203 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 02:51
I don't think so.
Any way, "hablo espanol", That's why I could recognize the sentence as Italian.

204 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 02:55
Sera bueno para su estudio italiano, porque hay muchas similtudes entre el espanol y el italiano.
Soy el uno de principiante del espanol, asi que yo me pregunto si tiene razon o no.

205 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:01
(Me gusta tu estilo.)
Why dont we talk in Eng? This thread is for Eng lovers.
Did you mistake me for the one who makes you lonely?
Can I assume you're a man?

206 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:03
I must add this;
I havent loved anybody for long time.
You're lucky to see someone special.

207 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:08
OK, I've gotya.
I suppose I'm kinda lucky guy so that I've gotta be the person who is to be her destiny.
kinda too strong, mightbe, but I'll tryta.

I'm sure that you'll find someone special, that you can trust.
I cross my fingers and wish your happiness.

208 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:13
My SHUUKATSU is like a Sushi-Go-Round.

209 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:15
Yeah, If I found someone, I won't come to 2ch :-)
I'll do anythig for love.....only if I found someone.

hey, we got someone funny, hello 208.

210 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:16
what is the meaning of "Sushi-Go-Round"?
kinda metaphor? Hanging there, you can do it, you can go over it!
I'm sure that oneday you'll win!

211 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:17

212 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:17
hey, I love Sushi! Let's eat him!

213 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:18
what you said is extreamly right.
I couldn't agree more.

214 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:18
don't know.
I've just found this.

215 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:18

216 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:19
Once you pop, you can't stop!!

217 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:21
it's a resource

218 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:24
I hope we'll be able to get out of 2ch world. w

219 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:26
kinda hard, isn't it? w

220 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:30
Everybody says so!
By the way, can you give me a name on this thread?

221 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:31
>>218 >>219
you are 2ch addict!! I'm so sorry...it's too late

222 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:32
I guess you too.

223 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:35
if you're a lady, you should be "Anna"
if you're a man, you should be "Holly"
then I'll change my name.

224 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:35
...I know

225 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:35
I dont fancy you too much child!
Are you able to understand what they said?

226 名前:Anna :03/06/17 03:38
Thanks, you're my dad. w
I knew you knew that. :-)

227 名前:The Third guy. :03/06/17 03:38

228 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:39
I'm not child!I have thick underhair!!

229 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:40
You may go off.

230 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:41
So I changed my name.
Does anyone know where these names come from?

231 名前:Anna :03/06/17 03:41
hey, Here's a lady, w

232 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:41
kinda "itteyoshi" in Eng.?

233 名前:Anna :03/06/17 03:43
the Third Man w
sorry, I havent seen it.

234 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:45
Kool. I saw it when i was 8 yrs old, so i don't remember... LoL

235 名前:Terry :03/06/17 03:46
Come on! Get serious!

236 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:46
Who r u?

237 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:47
I'm free

238 名前:Anna :03/06/17 03:48
He said Terry!

239 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 03:48
Anna: Sixth Sense

Harry: When Harry met Sally

240 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:49
Anna: King and I
Harry: Dirty Harry

241 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:50
Anyway, I'd love to watch "When Harry met Sally".
I Know it, I know.

242 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 03:50
Anna Umemiya

Harry Potter

243 名前:Anna :03/06/17 03:51
Can anyone be Holly?

244 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:52
I'm Terry Bogard, the King of Fighters.

245 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:52
good job!

246 名前:Terry :03/06/17 03:53
Spare me the sour grapes!

247 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:53
I flunk in job hunting...depression×10

248 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:54
nope, you can eat riped grape.

249 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:54
(σ・∀・)σ Gets!!

250 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 03:54
No girls here?

251 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:55

252 名前:Anna :03/06/17 03:56
hey, I'm here.

253 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 03:56
wanna fuck you

254 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:57
hey dude, yo tryta pick woman up here?

255 名前:Harry :03/06/17 03:57
kinda straight...

256 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 03:57

257 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 03:59
To be honest, I am not good at treatment of English.

258 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:00
You wanna lose your virginity to me? :-b

259 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:00
me neither, so let's brush it up!

260 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:01
never mind, me too.

261 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:01
come back
i just kidding, you know

i'm a fucking liar

262 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:02

263 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:02

264 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:02

265 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:04
what do you like to do in your free time?

266 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:05
so shut your fXXkin' mouth up, and talk about another topic.

267 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:05
My dad will get furious.
get out of here. never see you again.

268 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:06
i just wanna open her lascivious mouth (pupupu

269 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:06
Hey, dad w
good job!

270 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:07
i don't think that is good idea.
you'd better to get out here and study psychology.

271 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:08
my girl, r u OK?

272 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:09
i better stay here, giving you guys kind of spice, you know

273 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:09
You deserve a finer woman than me. w

yep :-)

274 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:10
o i c.

275 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:10
huh, it seems to be a kind of a subterfuge.

276 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:12
oh, my god

my dick is getting bigger

what's going on!?

277 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:12
To our regret, I guess...
Everyone has honorable stick at one's groin.
In this thread.

278 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:12
Daaaaaad! I met him before. w
He kept stick to my private again and again...


279 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:13
OK, we can cut it off now.

280 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:14
shut the fuck up, dick head

281 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:14
Come on!
Do it now!

282 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:15
probably you describe what you are, do you?

283 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:15
what the hell r u talking about

284 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:16
280&281 will ケコ━━━━(・∀・)人(・∀・)━━━━ン

I see.

285 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:17
see you very soon, my girl.

286 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:20
see you again, dad,
I use this name only on this thread.

287 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:22
gotya. anyway, haven't we met before?
never mind... you don't have to answer.

288 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:25

289 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:26
Guten nacht, Ich heise Schwarzes Toor.

290 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:27
bon soir
ca va?

291 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:30
tengo sueno.
y tu?
I dont know the answer, dad.

292 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:31
Buona sera.
Come stai?

293 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:31
this is a first visit to japan

294 名前:Jotaro :03/06/17 04:33
Does "test" mean only patting, not wound?
Though pants cost as much as 30,000 yen teared...

295 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:33
Non ce' male, grazie, E tu?

296 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:34
molto bene, grazie.

297 名前:10chは神 :03/06/17 04:35


298 名前:Anna :03/06/17 04:37
You're not feeling lonely, then?
By the way, I'll go now.
Ciao, Harry, a dopo.
you too, never mind.

299 名前:DIO :03/06/17 04:37
Why is Jorster family such unyielding?

300 名前:Harry :03/06/17 04:39
Still miss my special, but I'm very happy to talk to ya.

Ciao, buona notte...

301 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:39

302 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:40

303 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:41

304 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 04:43

305 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/17 07:56
morning kids.
'tis kinda nice to see this thread had growned during my absence.

gotta scoot out, anyway. Ciao :-)

306 名前:内定者 ◆SIc5V3GzmI :03/06/17 14:23
ah, i see a community is growing here. hehe.

307 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/17 20:39
hi, anyone here?

308 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/17 20:58
nobody seems to be online...
i am gonna leave now

309 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:39
Can anyone hear me?

310 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:42
yep, I can

311 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 23:44
I'm chaky!
kill you!

312 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:45
Hi, are you the same Harry of this morning?

313 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 23:45
I wonder why interviewer always ask me what did you do in university.
Ask me that do you have a dream? what is your destination?
Fuck'in japanese

314 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:46
Are you OK?

315 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:46
his name is Chucky.

316 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:46

317 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:49
Nothig special (everyday :-) )

don't you like the question?

318 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:49
i misunderstood # of response...

319 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:50
That's OK.

320 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:52
'bout me, kinda tired thinkin' of thesis...

321 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:53
oops, I forgot the preposition...Utsuda shinou...

322 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:54
Good, so you're busy?
Study will make you leave 2ch.

323 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:55
kinda. im still here, though. w

324 名前:Anna :03/06/17 23:56
Hey, don't say that, please.
I've made a lot of mistakes already.

325 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 23:57

so what is your fucking dream, boy?

326 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/17 23:57
I'm the greatest. I think japanese job-hunting system is very very wrong.
Company's people should ask students about your study !!

Here is the best guestions.

What is the best subject that you have learned in the unibersity?

what are you going to do if you join to the company?

Fuck'in japanese.

So I'll go to the American company.

Bye Bye!! Crazy japanese.......

327 名前:Harry :03/06/17 23:57
mi sucusi.

328 名前:313=326 :03/06/18 00:00
Dear Anna

I want you. I need you. I miss you.

I'd like to see you someday.......

329 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:00
My major is Biz econ and accounting...
I don't know how i can contribute your profit , but once you try, you'll find somethin'

330 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:01
study English :-)

331 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:03
Hey! By the way,
Have you 2 ever been to abroad to study ??

332 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:04
Oh, do you know me. hello.
See you semeday.

did anyone see google today?
they changed the mark.

333 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:04
No, sorry.

334 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:05
i suppose that today is Escher's birthday...

335 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:08
You 2 should come to my country.

336 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:08
I envy you. :-) I wanted to study abroad.
Who is Escher?
Where are you now?

337 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:09
Gaikoku is Unko

338 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:10
He is painter... and maybe he is scientist.
where? I wanna wander through the world...

339 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:10
hello, again.

340 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:11

341 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:11
I'm in England now.
But tomorrow I'm going to Bangkok in Thailand.
Maybe I'll swim in the sea.

342 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:11
You are migi

343 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:12
just for vacances?
How's the weather in Ldn? w

344 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:13
you didn't study in england, did you?

345 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:13
Get out of here

346 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:15
Oh, the artist who painted Ascending and Descending?
I like his works.
comme on!
Why dont you talk with us?

347 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:15

348 名前:341 :03/06/18 00:15
It's cloud now.
Don't you believe me??

349 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:15
Oh, I made a mistake again, sorry

350 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:16
I would like to come.

351 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:16
You have had a lot of mistakes!!

352 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:17
Me, too. I love his ridiculous but marvelous works.

353 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:17
have you been to cambridge or oxford?

354 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:17
doesn't matter, i suppose

355 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:18
No, I haven't.
What's the matter?

356 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:20
thanks for your care.

357 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:21
have you?

358 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:22

359 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:22
my pleasure.
"damashi-e" could be "trompe l'oeil"? I'm just wondering.

360 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:23
Have you 2 got MBA ??
If you have, which university ?

361 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:23
Nope... have ya?

362 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:25
I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed. See you.

363 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:26
have a good dream, see ya.

364 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:27
maybe yes...I'm not sure.
dad, you seem to know everything.
good night.
Is it time to bed in Ldn?

365 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:28
Hi ! Everybody ! Can you speak English ??
I'm from America.

366 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:28
my girl, you seem to over-estimate me...

367 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:28
which part?

368 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:29
I can't.

369 名前:ALEX :03/06/18 00:29
Harry and Anna are married.

370 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:30
I'll try no to over-estimate you. w
He's my dad

371 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:30
not to....

372 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:30
she's my lovely daughter.

373 名前:365 :03/06/18 00:31
I'm from LA.
So, do you have any questions?

374 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:31
they're crazy

375 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:32
no, do you have any topic?

376 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:32
kool, i wanna be back there.

377 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:32
you too.

378 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:32

379 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:33
kinda "Omaemona-"? w

380 名前:365 :03/06/18 00:34
Wake Up !! Open your eyes !!
Ask me , I can respond to your questions.

381 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:34
yeah, yeah w

382 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:35
so, where r u now?
i mean, which part of LA...

383 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:35
i heard there's japanese community in there
is this right?

384 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:36
hey guys. how r u doin?

385 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:36

386 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:37
Nothin' so much, besides my thesis... and ya?

387 名前:365 :03/06/18 00:37
OH, Oh right. It's very popular.

388 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:38
I have been there just once.
but it had already gone though the most flourish epoch.

389 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:38
do you have japanese friends going to ucla?

390 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:39
Thanks for asking, I'm just great.
I see it'll be tough work, won't it?

391 名前:365 :03/06/18 00:39
I don't like these personal questions !!


392 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:40
One of my friends had studied there, but she came back.
Do you?

393 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:40
kinda, but interestin'

sorry... I'm just wonderin'... anyway I'll pay attention to it.

394 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:43
I also have been fighting out with my thesis works.
It's now becoming tiresome, though..

395 名前:365 :03/06/18 00:43
Sure. I made two friends there.
How about your job-getting ?
Have you finished yet ?

396 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:44
Yep. And it was satisfying result.
How about you?

397 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:44
are you 2ching in you lab?

398 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:45
I have no job.
I feel helpless.

399 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:45
Oh, yeah.
But, how'd you know that?

400 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:45
mightbe, but we have to finish it... so i suppose let's do fxxkin' work before the deadline... w

401 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:46
Don't let yourself down.
Keep walkin'

402 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:46

403 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:46
You'd have to. w

404 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:47
I wonder why you know my situation... w

405 名前:たけし :03/06/18 00:48
Fuck'in japくらいわかるよバカ野朗!

406 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:48
Kanzaki,Are you change your name?

407 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:48
Oh, that's secret.
ガン( ゚д゚)バレ

408 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:49
Not Found, for your wondering.
Sorry w

409 名前:365 :03/06/18 00:49
I'm in trouble.
I'll go back to the United states and fine some works.

410 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:49
Not yet. w

411 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:50
maybe i should go back to my work.

A bientot.

412 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:50
That must be trouble.
Is there any hope that you would find some jobs there?

413 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:50
hi, Kanz

414 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:50
Talk to you later.

415 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:51
I gotta go soon, too, by the way.
was just droppin' by.

416 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:51
See you

417 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:51
Hi, Anna.
Sorry to be late to greet.

418 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:51
see ya dad.

419 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:52
when convenient for you.

420 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:53
hmm, maybe a few hrs. later.
Is that ok?

421 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:53
have fun.

422 名前:Harry :03/06/18 00:53
doesn't matter. I'll be writing, and stay up...

423 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:54
Did you study abroad?
You seem to like Eng.

424 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:54
by the way...

I got drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

425 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:54
Okay, guys. I'm going out.
Sorry that I interrupted you guy's joyful chats. :-)

426 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:55
me too. w

427 名前:Anna :03/06/18 00:55
see you. I'm leaving too.

428 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 00:56
Not really.
As a matter of fact, I've never talked to eng. native speakers. :D

Keep talkin' till I'll be back, plz. :-)

429 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:56
oh my god

430 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 00:57

431 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:58
anna, i never left you

432 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 00:59
you said bs words

433 名前:Harry :03/06/18 01:29
No man can be friends with a woman he finds attractive.
He always wants to have sex with her.

434 名前:Anna :03/06/18 01:32
>>430 431 432
ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bye bye Aoris

435 名前:Harry :03/06/18 01:34
Do those sentences come from the movie, "When Harry met Sally"?

436 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 01:37
>>435=movie maniac!

437 名前:Sally :03/06/18 01:53
That's not true!
I have a number of male friends and there is no sex involved!

438 名前:Harry :03/06/18 01:56
Doesn't matter, because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is
ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.

From "When Harry met Sally"

439 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 01:57

440 名前:Harry :03/06/18 01:58

441 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 01:58

442 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 01:58
http://www.globetown.net/~2ch_hane/osaka yokoku.mpeg

443 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 01:58

444 名前:Harry :03/06/18 01:59
The hyperlink has already 404.

445 名前:Harry :03/06/18 01:59
already been

446 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 01:59

447 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:00
this is a pon

448 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:01
Kool stuff, thx.

449 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:01
Oh matrix &heart;

450 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:02
Oh matrix ♥ :-b machigaeta w

451 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:02
suppose you need "s" before ";".

452 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:02

453 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:02

454 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:03

455 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:03
you made it... utsuda sinou w

456 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:04
>> 454
ヽ(´ー`)ノ yokudekimasita ♥

457 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:04
thank you w

458 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:05

459 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:05

        ∧_∧   从从
        (; ´Д`)   ビシッ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      _/  ⌒ヽ  (⌒)   < mistake!
    ⊂二 /    へ  ノ ~.レ-r┐  \_____
   _ _レ   /〈 ̄   `-Lλ_レ
 /   __ノ   ̄`ー‐---‐′
 ヽ <  | |
  \ \ | ⌒―⌒)
   ノ  )  ̄ ̄ ヽ (
  (_/     ⊂ノ

460 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:06

461 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:07

462 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:07

463 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:08

464 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:08

22 就職戦線異状名無しさん 03/06/18 02:00

465 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:09
it's on a need-2-know basis.

466 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:09

467 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:10

468 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:11

469 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:11

470 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:12
I am the real Master of BlackCross.
I control everything.
I rule everyreagion.
You shall die!

471 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:13

472 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:14
Go back to the world of saga frontier...

473 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:15

474 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:16

475 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:16
You understand everyone's topic. w

476 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:17
No, not really. just tryta bring back the past...

477 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:18

478 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:18
Jap Q ♥ Jap A
Eng Q ♥ Eng A

479 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:18
Surprised! I'm impressed you know SaGa Frontier!

480 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:19

481 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:19
OK, gotcha.
That's a long ago...

482 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:20

483 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:21
Do you know the proverb, "When you are at Rome, do as the Romans do"?

484 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:22

485 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:22
私も書けるうちにはいらないのでキニシナイ(・A ・)

486 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:26

487 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:26

488 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:26

489 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:27

490 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 02:28
this is not rome

491 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 02:29
garbage box

492 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:30

493 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:31

494 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:32
Rome... Isn't it the metaphor?

495 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:32
kinda funny but kool stuff, isn't it?

496 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:36

497 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:38
490 may know that w
When do you sleep, any way?
I don't sleep so lomg but you neither?

498 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:38
I have a competent partner.
I absolutely consult him when posting.
Now, I'll introduce him.


499 名前:Mr.ATLAS :03/06/18 02:39
Hi, everyone!

500 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:40
Me neither, but today i took a nap... just 1-hour nap...
Are you ok? my lovely daughter...

501 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:40
Hello world!!

502 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:42
>>498 499
Welcome to the matrix w
I'm OK.
I found a thread on which nanashis talked about you.w

503 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:43
i know, but that is the different story... suppose...

504 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:45

int main()
  printf("Hello World\n");

505 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:45
Please answer my qestion.
What do you call bunkei(文系) in English.

506 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:45
sorry to mention it.
I didn't know you knew that.

507 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:46
I`m fuckin

508 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:47
i feel rather more composed when you said, "I'm OK".
I checked all the thread, definitely. w

509 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:48
I am an Englishman in 2ch.

510 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:48
sorry, I don't know.
On what occasion you want need to say the word?

511 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:48
"文系"could be "students with majors in the school of humanities"... suppose.

512 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:49

513 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:50

514 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:50
Liberal Arts

515 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 02:50
girl-hunting major

516 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:50
that words could be "教養"... suppose

517 名前:505 :03/06/18 02:50

518 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:51
I wanna sleep .
I dive to bed . bye bye

519 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 02:51
liberal arts major
science major

520 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:51

521 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:52

522 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:52
All the thread!
How can find the time!!

523 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:52

524 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 02:52
kyouyou: arts and sciences

525 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:52
maybe kiddin' too much. w

526 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:52
hasta manana.

527 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:53

528 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:53
I knew it w

529 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:53
I can not speak Engulish.

530 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:53

531 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:53

532 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:54

533 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:54
It doesnt matter.w

534 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:55

535 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:55
you know all of my behavior, funny. w

536 名前:Jotaro :03/06/18 02:56

537 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:57
A daughter is expected to be so. w

538 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:57

539 名前:Jotaro :03/06/18 02:57

540 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:58
It`s a shikoshiko time!!!

541 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:58

542 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 02:58
now bokking...

i'm shikoshikoing

543 名前:Harry :03/06/18 02:58
sounds neat!
i love your style...w

544 名前:Anna :03/06/18 02:58

545 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:59
did anyone see nasty girl?

546 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 02:59

547 名前:アメ人 :03/06/18 02:59

548 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:00

549 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:00

550 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:01
>>541 549
ヽ(´ー`)ノ thanks

551 名前:Jotaro :03/06/18 03:02
The reason why you were defeated is only one...
A very simple reason...

You made me angry.

552 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:03

553 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:04

554 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:04

555 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:05

よかろうもん ですた

556 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:05

557 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:06

558 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:06

559 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:06

560 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:06
racism(・A ・)イクナイ!

561 名前:Jotaro :03/06/18 03:06
bet, my soul.

562 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:07

563 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:07

564 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:07
ひつまぶし( ゚д゚)クレ

565 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:08


566 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:08

567 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:09


568 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:10

569 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:10

570 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:11

571 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:11

572 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:12

573 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:12
( ゚д゚)bingo-♥

574 名前:Hirohiko Araki :03/06/18 03:13
"JOJO" is pronounced "yoyo" in Italian, so I changed spelling to "GIOGIO".

575 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:13

ロシア美人 はぁはぁ

576 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:14
( ゚д゚)Gung Ho!Gung Ho!♥

577 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:14

578 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:15
In Spanish, JOJO = HOHO and GIOGIO = HIOHIO w

579 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:16

580 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:16

581 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:17


582 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:18

583 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:19

584 名前:Hirohiko Araki :03/06/18 03:19
GIOGIO is only the fifth JOJO, Giorno.

Incidentally, my name is pronounced "iroiko" in Italian.

585 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:19
see you.

586 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:19
外人さん ぴゅ

587 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:21
Oh I don't know the fifth story.

588 名前:Hirohiko Araki :03/06/18 03:23
Giorno is a son of DIO.

589 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:23
the world

590 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:24
time is freeze

591 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:24
(´・∀・`) ヘーェ
Did the story finish?

592 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:25
Welcome, thread sopper. w

593 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:25

594 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:28
I hate the child who does't know the pain.
I hate adult who loses the mind.
I love genial cartoon.

595 名前:Hirohiko Araki :03/06/18 03:30
Of course

596 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:30
time is breeze

597 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:32
Vain Vain Vain Vain Vain Vain Vain
Vain Vain Vain Vain Vain Vain Vain

598 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:33
Pain Pain Pain

599 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:33

600 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:33
(´・∀・`) ヘーェ
Thanks. I havent read the fourth and fifth story, sorry.

601 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 03:34
panpan papapan

602 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:35

603 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:35
uho!!!!cool gay!!!!

604 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:38
ヽ(´ー`)ノ Bye Bye Aoris
OverDrive!(too old w)

605 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:39
What a perfect underdog!

606 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 03:40
you know what sound that is

607 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:41
ヽ(´ー`)ノ kimoiyo-

608 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:42
The science technology of Nazis Deutsh is... The best in the worldddd!!!

609 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:42

610 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:42
do you have a pussy?

611 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:43

612 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:43
whoa! you kids still talkin...

613 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:45
Hi, Kanz?

614 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:45
Welcome!... You've Got Mail!

615 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:45
Sheeez, my pal is behind me..
I dont want him to know I am a channeler. w

616 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:46

617 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 03:46
be proud!

618 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:47
Oooop, Harry and Kanz are leaving?

619 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 03:47

620 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:48
Come, come to the another world...

621 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:48
no wwwwwwwwwwway w

622 名前:Anna :03/06/18 03:49

623 名前:Harry :03/06/18 03:49
maybe you can access to the Matrix. heeheehee...

624 名前:watanabe :03/06/18 03:49
Okey. I'm goin' to admit.

625 名前:Terry :03/06/18 03:51
Hey, come on, come on!

626 名前:Bonnie :03/06/18 03:53
yeahhh, Im comin', ahh.

627 名前:nagasawa a.k.a. Harry :03/06/18 03:53
Norwegian wood...

628 名前:Terry :03/06/18 03:53
Live wire! Go bang!

629 名前:nagasawa a.k.a. Harry :03/06/18 03:58
almost everybody seemed get away from here...

630 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:01
what's goin' on

631 名前:nagasawa a.k.a. Harry :03/06/18 04:02

632 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 04:06
well, i'm off


633 名前:Anna :03/06/18 04:07
dont know.

634 名前:TOKYO152 :03/06/18 04:07
Giorgio is my dog. He loves the streets of Marunouchi as much as I do.

635 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:20

For bilinguals or those who are more comfortable in English:
This topic thread would be highly annoying for normal Japanese (English illetarates).
Imagine a Russian or Persian thread in your board of topic of interest.
Fortunately there's a topic board called "English" in 2ch.
This board is for those who are interested in job hunting in Japan.
Practicing miserable English isn't a right thing as well.
Well I'ma take off. peace

636 名前:635 :03/06/18 04:23

637 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:24

638 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:24

639 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:25

640 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:26

641 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:27

642 名前:635 :03/06/18 04:30


643 名前:nagasawa a.k.a. Harry :03/06/18 04:31
OK, so long guys.

644 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:31

645 名前:10chは神 :03/06/18 04:32
bald copper

646 名前:644 :03/06/18 04:32
a.k.a プッ

647 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:47
Harry(プ の英語読んでみた。痛いな

648 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:48

649 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:49

650 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:55
254 :Harry :03/06/17 03:57
hey dude, yo tryta pick woman up here?
270 :Harry :03/06/17 04:07
i don't think that is good idea.
you'd better to get out here and study psychology.

651 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:56

652 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:56

653 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:56

654 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 04:58

655 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:00

656 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:02
that is "a" good idea
had better 原形

657 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 05:06

658 名前:Anna :03/06/18 05:10

659 名前:Harry :03/06/18 05:12

660 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:13

661 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:14

662 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:16
get out "of" here だろ
here に前置詞なしと覚える日本人にありがちなミス

663 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:16
Now get the hell out of here!

664 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:17

665 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:19

666 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:19
get your ass outa 就職版 tug your own shit in English版

667 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:19

668 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:19

669 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:20

670 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:20
kiss my ass!

671 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:20
>>635 マンセー

672 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:22

673 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:22

674 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:24

675 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:24

676 名前:Anna :03/06/18 05:25
ヽ(´ー`)ノ 楽しんでればいーじゃないの

677 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:26

678 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:28

679 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:29

680 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:30
>>677 プ

681 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:31

682 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:33

683 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:34

684 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:35

685 名前:Anna :03/06/18 05:36

686 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:37

687 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:37

688 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 05:37

689 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:37

690 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:38

691 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:40

692 名前:Anna :03/06/18 05:41
さわやかな朝に2Chコテに萌えてちゃー(・A ・) いくないーよ

693 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:41
take a nap と nap 両方使えるみたいな?

694 名前:690 :03/06/18 05:42
>>692 ふぁっく おふ びやーち

695 名前:690 :03/06/18 05:44

696 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:44

697 名前:690 :03/06/18 05:45

698 名前:Anna :03/06/18 05:47
いい朝☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノイエーイ

699 名前:635 :03/06/18 05:47

700 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:50
Seven hundred

701 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 05:52
Hey, baby. I like to thank you for what you had done to grow this thread!

702 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:55

703 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:56

704 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:56

705 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:58

706 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 05:58

707 名前:635 :03/06/18 05:58

708 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 05:59
>>635 で言ってる事に対しちゃんと反論してから断ってくれ

709 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:00

710 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:01

711 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 06:01
Those who don't like this thread may just ignore it. This is just for fun, and there's norhin' wrong I could see.

712 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:05

713 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 06:07
See the title of the thread. It suits to the board.

714 名前:Anna :03/06/18 06:09
┐(´ー`)┌ try to speak in English 712 ♥

715 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:14
>>714 back to you stop typing and go speak it

716 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:15
If job hunting is discussed in English, it's all right, no problem all.

717 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/18 06:16
Hey, Jonny! How is your job-hunting goin'?

718 名前:Jonny :03/06/18 06:16
It's been alright. Bye!

719 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:17

720 名前:635 :03/06/18 06:18

721 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:19
Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!

722 名前:635 :03/06/18 06:19
>>717 おもんない

723 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:21

724 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:23
Role making and playing by oneself is seamy.

725 名前:Anna :03/06/18 06:23
ヽ(´ー`)ノ こらこら

726 名前:東大 :03/06/18 06:25

727 名前:東大 :03/06/18 06:26
Doesn't make much sense

728 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:32
    /                    ヽ
   / __, ィ_,-ァ__,, ,,、  , 、,,__ -ァ-=彡ヘ  ヽ
    ' 「      ´ {ハi′          }  l     
   |  |                    |  |
   |  !                        |  |    Would you have pleasure?
   | │                   〈   !    
   | |/ノ二__‐──ァ   ヽニニ二二二ヾ } ,'⌒ヽ   
  /⌒!|  =彳o。ト ̄ヽ     '´ !o_シ`ヾ | i/ ヽ !   
  ! ハ!|  ー─ '  i  !    `'   '' "   ||ヽ l |   
 | | /ヽ!        |            |ヽ i !   
 ヽ {  |           !           |ノ  /  
  ヽ  |        _   ,、            ! ,       
   \ !         '-゙ ‐ ゙        レ'′    
     `!                    /
     ヽ     ゙  ̄   ̄ `     / |
       |\      ー ─‐       , ′ !

729 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:35

730 名前:Harry :03/06/18 06:37
I already feel like an idiot most of the time anyway with or without this thread.

731 名前:B :03/06/18 06:40
You are not that bad.
Where did you all learn your english?

732 名前:B :03/06/18 06:43
Nice to see yall
I usually chat in English at

733 名前:B :03/06/18 06:45
oops typo
correct: http://www.apricotweb.com/

734 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:50
kiss my ass

735 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:51

736 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 06:51
ass my kiss

737 名前:NAVI ◆pV0hrMY9fw :03/06/18 06:51
Everybody, Dont mind anything.

           This Is 2 Channel.

738 名前:ヒプホプ厨 :03/06/18 06:58
Ever heard of a nigga dying twice
My love is just to live my life
Till the Lord decides to out my lights
Oh I know why niggas ain't prepared to die with me
But we all got to die one day
Even though the life has captured me
Money, drugs and prisons, menages with women
Forgive me God for living
For I have sinned
Now everybody wanna cage me in
Don't make no difference cause I'm still here
Breathing, can I get a witness?

739 名前:ヒプホプ厨 :03/06/18 07:02
People started taking rapping for a joke
It used to be dope when we was so broke
Sometimes I choke and try to believe
That hip hop shit is still rollin' MCs
I tried to tell them put all of us together
This song was wrote 'cause no one would ever
Think like me thinkin' do what we do
I stole the flow piece to be the b true
True, hip hop artists is in service
Ya never heard this but, I'm the one sharpest
The smartest, technician is on a mission
Next decision, with clear future vision
Capital Z yo I'ma start it from the end
To bring back hip hop on the scene again
But I mean my friend, is on the world-wide level,
The Japanese hero bummin' the ghetto

740 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:06
I'm sleepy.

741 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:09
I feel like a piece of shit.
I don't wanna be afraid anymore.
I've been fine these days compared to what I was going through last year, I guess.
I'm not sure. Memory changes as you live.

742 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:12
You're Harry aren't you

743 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:13
I feel like a jackass

744 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:14
No, I'm not.

745 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:17
Be stronger Fly higher Don't be afraid
by Kenji Furuya

746 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 07:21
Thank you whoever you are.

747 名前:Harry :03/06/18 08:21

748 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 09:08
G' day to you, too.

749 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 09:56
what's up?

750 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/18 10:34
nothing much

751 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 17:28
( ノ゚Д゚) I overslept...

752 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 17:58
(ノ゚Д゚) never mind!

753 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:02
Let's join the Super Free in Waseda!

754 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:04

755 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:12
Super Free is an intercollegiate club, isn't it?
I think I could join it in the Univ. which I belong to.
コワー(|| ゚Д゚)

756 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:15

757 名前:早慶Girl ◇DlZ.ig94eE :03/06/19 18:15
I feel helpless.
I want to die.
Please help me!

758 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:15
No prob.

759 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:43
( ・д⊂ヽ゛still sleepy

760 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:44
wake up, plz.
I'm waiting for you...

761 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:45
Oh do you know who I am?

762 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:51
just guessin'... w

763 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:55

764 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 18:59
It's funny that we can easily identify each other in Jpn or Eng w

765 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:01
anyway, have you tried to listen my radio station?
if you know the address, just try...

766 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:01
listen to my radio... sorry.

767 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:05
i suppose I have to refrain from doing that. w

768 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:08
OK, I understand... but there're just some good music stuffs...
anyway if you say so, doesn't really matter...

769 名前:( ´D`)ノ :03/06/19 19:14

770 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:15

771 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:17

772 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:22

773 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:24

774 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:28
I have RealOneP but failed to open it.

775 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:29
Gimme a second...

776 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:30
Just re-try it... I suppose it's ok now.

777 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:32
Gotcha!!! I found you!!!

778 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:33
Cut it out!
Why do you need to write in English!

779 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:33
sorry and thanks.

780 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:34
you too...

781 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:34
>>778 780
you two are funny. w

782 名前:778 :03/06/19 19:36

783 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:36

784 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:36

785 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:37

786 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:38
(*・_・*)ウルシャィ w

787 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:39
( ・∀・)イイ! w

788 名前:782 :03/06/19 19:42
I have a kansai accent.
And I have a sense of humor.
It's a only joke.

789 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:43
kool... i love your funny style. w

790 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:45
(´・ω・`)y─ o0シャボーン

もー音楽聴きながら作業する w
see ya someday.

791 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:46
I like you and kansai accent too

792 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 19:48

作業(,,゚Д゚) ガンガレ!
see you soon...

793 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 22:30
How can I get best naitei??

794 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 22:35
Find the best for you.

795 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 22:42
just think about what you want to do as your job.

796 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/19 23:59
(ノ゚Д゚)Buona Notte!

797 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:29
guten nacht

798 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:30
buenas noches

799 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:39
(ノ゚Д゚)can't sleep...

800 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:46
( ノ゚Д゚) そりゃ病気だw

801 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:47
(ノ゚Д゚) 俺もそう思うw

802 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:50
( ノ゚Д゚)me too

803 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:51
( ノ゚Д゚)me too...

804 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:51
(ノ゚Д゚) insomnia... 辛い!!

805 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:57
(ノ゚Д゚) 頭働かない

806 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:57

807 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 00:58
(ノ゚Д゚) 5日寝なければ壊れるな、やっぱ

808 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:04
Hi!I'm Robby.I'm glad to meet you.
See you tomorrow.

809 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:05
(ノ゚Д゚) suppose nobody is here...

810 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:05
(ノ゚Д゚) See you!

811 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:07
wwヘ√レvv〜(゜∀゜)─wwヘ√レvv〜─ !!

Don't touch! It is dangerous!

812 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:08

813 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:08

885 就職戦線異状名無しさん 03/06/20 01:03

814 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:10
Charlie contains dream in a variety of densities...

815 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:22

816 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:22

817 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:23

818 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:23

819 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:23
Okey Dokey!

820 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:26

821 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:35

822 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:48
このスレも コテが来ないと伸びない系?

823 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:52
Why don't you have a name?

824 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 01:58

825 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:00

826 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:00
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ー ー   \  / Don't sit up late at night.
  |    ● ●   <  Take my advice.
  |     )○(  |  \ See you later.
  \     ▽   ノ    \______________________
    /\/\/ \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

827 名前:日立内定者 :03/06/20 02:02
Why are de vonnot HIROSHIMA?
Shew re pyutnt THE GANBERYU.

828 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:03
You're absolutely right.

829 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:06
Good night!
I have a report this night , so I have to write it down by next morning.....

830 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:16
good luck and hope it'll be a beautiful report.

831 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:16
ガン( ゚д゚)バレ

832 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:21

833 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:21

834 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:23
>>830 831
Thank you so much!!
But now I am watching "Tantei Night Scoop".
So, time have gone in vain......
Please force me write the report......

835 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:25
Oh, you're still here. w
You'd better go now.

836 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:25
I'm here, and I'm very bad at English.....
I'm sorry.....

837 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:26
Go sit for your paper, asshole!

838 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:26
kidding. "Tantei Knight Scoop" is correct.

839 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:26
hehe, he seems to be too busy with the work, yeah?
cannot be bothered by us

840 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:26
konnna kannjika?

841 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:27
I thought so, but he's still here...

842 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:28
suck thumb.

843 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:29
Hello again, buster w

844 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:30
is he?
what the...?

845 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:31
i don't know what you're talking about
i'm a gentleman

846 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:31

847 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:32
hey, I have been wondering...
what does your handle name refers to?

848 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:33
10ch=TV Asahi

849 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:33
yeah gentleman, what's your topic tonight?

850 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:33
no gentlemen says that they are gentlmen.

851 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:33
simple w

852 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:34
( ・∀・)good job!

853 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:34
i would really like nasty girl to talk about her sex life

854 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:35
OK go ahead, gentleman

855 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:36
you can't do that because you seem silly boy, unfortunately.

856 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:37
thanks, but still don't really get it (i'm kinda slow)

...my sex life?
there is mothing more boring than my sex life, though

857 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:37
i can't understand what you mean

858 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:37
What's Tantei Night Scoop?

859 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:38

860 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:38
everytime by yourself, aren't you?

861 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:38
mothing... that was a silly mistakes

862 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:39
what a stupid. i said "Tantei Knight Scoop" is correct.

863 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:40
hey, you are pretty rude! LOL

864 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:40
Just now!
I'm gonna knock you down!!
and, part from my past, is backseat role for you!!

Keep apologizing to me in the hell, Orstedddddddd!!!

865 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:41
10chは神 means TV asahi is outstanding

866 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:41
how about yours, huh?

867 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:41
you mean you have something like moth-eaten pussy?

868 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:42

869 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:42
thanks in advance.

870 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:42
would you please lick my dick, please?

i tried my best to be like a gentleman

871 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:43
hehe... kinda

872 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:43
anyway, please let me know the condition of your pussy right now.
feeling wet yo?

873 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:43

874 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:44
you have a boy friend?
If you have no one, I want to・・・・

875 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:45
you want what?

876 名前:アンパンマソやねん :03/06/20 02:45
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  / How many times do I have to tell you?
  |    ◎―◎  | <   I told you .
  |     )●(  |  \Don't sit up late at night.
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

877 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:46
Stop Buggin' me

878 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:46
ok, i will give you a virtual blow-job

naaah, no way. close your jip

879 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:46
but I think he's right.w

880 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:47
do you like blow job?

i love it!!!!!

881 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:47
smells like teen spirit?

882 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:49
I know he's right...
anyway i finally realized...
because of you!!! w

883 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:49
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  /
  |    ◎―◎  | <    I'm mad!
  |     )●(  |  \ You're getting on my nerves.
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

884 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:49
head to monica, right?

885 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:49

886 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:51
yeah, i am wet now... your fault.
it's as wet'n'sweet as a milky bar...

ok, enough. haaaa, ha!

sorry, please let us have this stupid chatting for a while

887 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:51
Oh good, I'll leave within ten minutes.
I must go back to my work.
I wish I could help you sleep well,

888 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 02:52
nasty girl is really lascivious

she's my favorite

889 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:52
i appreciate your remark

890 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:52
No, no way, wait up for me...w

891 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:55
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  / I feel sad .
  |    ◎―◎  | <   I ,m disappointing.
  |     )●(  |  \
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

892 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:55
then, why don't you use your finger to make your lip inside out?

893 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:55
do i have to change my nick to 'lascivious girl' or 'horny girl'?

but seriously, i don't know why my trip changes every time...
even though i put the same number on.

894 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 02:57
Oh, it's dripping wet... it's dripping on my ass.
cannot stop my finger moving.

895 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:57

896 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:59
your finger seems too wet to hit the key.
that't why you can't set your trip certainly.

897 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 02:59
I was so lonely before I met you.
I don't want to leave you tonight.
Would you like to have a morning coffee in my bed?

898 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:00
name, title, income, they don't matter

what matters is how "iyarashii" you are
not "yarashii" but "i-yarashii"

this is important

899 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:01

900 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:01
how shall i do now?
my dick is standing alone now.
i'm waiting for your kiss to my dick.

901 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:01
yeah i suppose... why do i have to be tortured like this?
I feel empty inside of my pussy-cat.

902 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:03
just wait for my dick to become big enough to reach your nasty hole

903 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:03
but pls lick my clit first...

904 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:05
my button is waiting for your tougue

905 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:05
what kind of torture would you like?
i can chew your pussy right now.

906 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:05
me too w,
Although I leave 2ch, I read your name every time when you get online...
see ya,

907 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:06
oh, sure, i love to
i won't stop licking

908 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:07
ok. i'm chewing your clit, but it ain't easy 'cause of wetness.

909 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:08
Ho-hoh! what a hot night! :D

910 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:08
ah, it's good... i love to be licked like this
it's like i am in heaven
it's soooo good...!

911 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:08
I'm very very very happy now!
Wish you feel so, too.

see ya...

912 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:09
i think there are two person to play for nasty girl.
it means 3P at least?

913 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:10
Infinite loop again huh?
Oh yeah!

914 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:10
hey, touch your sensitive spot by your finger

915 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:10
kind of

916 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:11
come on, i don't mind having threesome

917 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:11
then, let you show us your shame by yourself.

918 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:12
Now, you ARE gettin' real nasty, heh heh.

919 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:12
yeah i am touching... but don't let me do so for long
i wanna come with your dickie, yeah?

920 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:13
oops, i was talking to myself:)

921 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:14
smell your shame up around there.
almost aphrodisiacs.

922 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:14
Do you want to see my penis?

923 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:14
sure, i'm ready now
transparent liquid is coming out from my dick
i guess you're going to be pregnant if you don't clean this
with your mouth

924 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:14
that's why i call myself nasty...

925 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:16
it's waiting for you... see? it's dripping
i want a big, haaard dick...

926 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:17
how big you want?
i'm sure i can make you satisfied no matter how big

927 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:17
which do you wanna do? to blow or to be filled?

928 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:19
at the same time
same time

929 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:19
ok guy.
i'd like to fill her mouth. how about you?

930 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:20
god, i cannot wait to be poked anymore...!
put it into it!

931 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:20
o.k., then i take one down there

932 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:21
are you ready, nasty?

933 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:21

934 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:22
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  / I arrest all of you for indecent
  |    ◎―◎  | <    exposure and nasty story.
  |     )●(  |  \
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

935 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:22


936 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:22
hey, lemme ask you guys this
are you virgin?

937 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:23
after everything is done, please

938 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:24
that's important

939 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:24
no, but if you like virgin, i try to be virgin

940 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:25
just for your care.
i'm afraid you will dislocate your jaw 'cause of my dick.

941 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:25
that's impotence

942 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:27
hmmm... that's not... very good, actually
i like fresh cherries

943 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:27
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  /
  |    ◎―◎  | <    I,m not a man.
  |     )●(  |  \ SO I don't have a penis.
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

944 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:28
oh, i forgot that i was actually virgin
i just dreamed that i was fucking

945 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:29
why don't you try my dried cherry?
it's not fresh but too sweet for your mouth.

946 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:32

947 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 03:32
really? then i would say... good bye!
i want experienced ones
just tried to trick you! hehe, don't get mad, yeah?

i really enjoyed myself tonight! hope you both will have
sweet dreams...

and... wash your dick once a day! c u l 8 r


948 名前:恋をした名無し :03/06/20 03:33
only lonely

949 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:33
you finished? hmm... too quick.

950 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:33
fuck off

951 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:35
i don't believe you are bustard but...

952 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:35
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  /
  |    ◎―◎  | <    Today's chat has already
  |     )●(  |  \ been finished ,sir.
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

953 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:36

954 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:36
shut the fuck up, pondscum

955 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:37
red sign is blinking now.
time to finish by ourselves.

956 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:37

957 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:37

958 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:37
dont report us that you finish, plz

959 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:38
but i've really enjoyed by myself. thank you, nasty.

960 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:38
fuck nasty

961 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:39


962 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:39

963 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:41

英語で逝ったの初めてダタヨー( ´д⊂ヽ

964 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:43

965 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:45
Did You read it english>?
how impressive

966 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:46
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  / おめいらのせいで3回ぬいてしまった。
  |    ◎―◎  | <    ばいきんマソと戦う気力が残ってねえぞ。
  |     )●(  |  \
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

967 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:47
i think with different organ, not brain but ...

968 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/20 03:48

real confused who you are, nasty.
I better rewrite an e-mail I was writin' to ya. :D

969 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:49
きっと(*゚.∀゚)ウッフーンって感じで意地悪なんだろうな( ・ω・)・・・

970 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:49

971 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:50
    /     \     ______________________
   /   ∧ ∧ \  /
  |    ◎―◎  | <    神崎わざとらしいぞ。
  |     )●(  |  \おまいも参加してただろ。
  \     △   ノ    \______________________
    /     \.  
   / /\   / ̄\ 
 _| ̄ ̄ \ /  ヽ \
 \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \__) 
  ||\            \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
  ||  ||            ||

972 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:50

973 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:51

974 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:52


975 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:52

976 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:52

977 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/20 03:52

978 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:52

979 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/20 03:53

980 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:53

981 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:54
Hi, everyone. Have you ever tried white mannko??

982 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:54

983 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:54
goooooooood, oh yeah, nastyyyyyy!

984 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:54

985 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:54

986 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:54

987 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:55

988 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:55

989 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:56
no, american, austrarian, english, norweigian... mannko no kotodayo!!

990 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:56
You look happy.

991 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:56
you gets!(σ・∀・)σ

992 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:56

993 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:57

994 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:57

995 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:57

996 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:57

997 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:57

998 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 03:57

999 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:57

1000 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 03:57

1001 名前:1001 :Over 1000 Thread

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