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Let's Talk 'bout SHUUKATSU in English 3rd.
1 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:10
Let's Talk About SHUUKATSU in ENGLISH 2nd


2 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:10

3 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:11

4 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:11
( ノ゚Д゚)Thanks♥

5 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:11

6 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 04:11

7 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:11
get 5!

8 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:13

9 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 04:14

10 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:11
Get 10!

11 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:12
(ノ゚Д゚)Good mornin' TOKYO!

12 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:17
are you kidding?

13 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:19
Nope, just wakin' up... I'm serious...

14 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:34
( ノ゚Д゚)good morning w
You are really 病気!
Try to sleep well not to suffer from insomnia.

15 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:49
(ノ゚Д゚) yeah!!
I'm really crazy now! w
I tried but can't!!!

16 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:54
dont let yourself bother your own mind!

17 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 06:59
( ・д⊂ヽ゛
I envy you.
I wanna try to sleep w

18 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:02
( ・д⊂ヽ゛→(`・ω・´)
when i lay myself down on my bed, i am startled out of my sleep...
i dunno why... w

19 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:09
(ノ゚Д゚)so, would you care for a cup of coffee?

20 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:29
when i lay myself down on my bed, i will sleep all day w
エスタロンモカ( ゚д゚)ホスィ…

21 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:32
really? w
i know you need a rest certainly...
don't take that pill 'cuz it's a kind of addiction... you know...

22 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:35

23 名前:_ :03/06/20 07:35

24 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:43
Yeah it intoxicated me before.
Now I quit taking the tablets w
I'm leaving for the univ, see ya.

25 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 07:44
have a good day. hope see you soon.

26 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 11:17
Hi,Kumi! I'm Emily.

Did you study this sentence?

27 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 11:19
Waseda Univercity

28 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 11:57
fuckin my brother!How r u today?Im going to go a pert-time,,,,

well,i must work for the trip,,,and drag,,,,I'll make オフ会drag,,,

someone wants to come?

29 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 12:07
hey, what's up to?
that sounds fun

30 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:08
yea,i'll present u ,nice plan.
cauz today is too hot,,,isnt it?

31 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 12:09
If she is going, I will go

32 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:11
Ok.so lets gather tomorrow night at 7o clock,,,,

there are many 合法dorag,,,,you want?

33 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 12:11
hey! you're such a dipshit, eh?

34 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:12
新宿東、歌舞伎前の吉野家前にmany drag アルヨ

35 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 12:12
yeah it's steaming hot
i feel like going out in swim suits...
i am sure you would be impressed how flat my breasts are, hehe

what's your plan like?

36 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 12:14
oh, sorry...
tomorow night i am going out with a friend of mine
i will be in kabukichou with her, though

37 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:17
sorry,,i cant understand your poor words,,,,

my plan is,,,,,,gather sinjuku at 7 o clock,and after
we go to a club for dragger,with little bit alcool,
then we smoke it to morninge,,,,,cauz its fuckin hot day,,,,
the police permit us maybe,,,,,

38 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 12:20
hehe, sounds dagerous
you are really addicted to it, arn't you?
i am such a clean kind of person that cannot join you

39 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:22
hehe,,,no.Im clean too.but a drag isnt so but for you.you will
open hevens door ,,,maybe,,,,if you want someday,,,,join me,,
I'll take you to happy place,,,

40 名前:nasty girl ◆IHT/SIa.lw :03/06/20 12:27
thanks, but i still prefer sugar to drugs...
let's get sugar high
i'll take you to my favourite cafe
which offers us real nice cheese cakes

sorry, it seems i'm still a child:)

41 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:29
it prouve that youre truelly beautifull girl,,,,

thanks for ur proposition ,,,I miss u ,,maybe,,,thanks.

42 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:52

43 名前: ◆FIShMVhzPU :03/06/20 12:57

44 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 12:58
fuckin' nasty girl

45 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 12:58
yea,but i must do a part-time later....fuck...

46 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:03
i'm joining Off-party today
go find someone to fuck

47 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:03

48 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:05
go findって(w  それに通常はfuckではなくget raidだべ。

49 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:05

50 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:07
嘘でも本気でもMake Loveにしようぜw

51 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:07
帝京も英語下手杉。なんだよdo a part-time って。そんな英語無い。

52 名前:帝京 ◇9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:08

53 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:08
go 動詞って普通に会話じゃ使うよ。

54 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:08

55 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:09
i dont remember asking you a goddamn thing !

56 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:09
i'll go see about my girl

57 名前:帝京 ◇9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:09
I like sex.

58 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:09

59 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:15

60 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:15
It's so funny to check this thread out, because some KOTEI can change the atmosphere to savage...

61 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:16

62 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:17
what's going on?

63 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:17
Like who?

64 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:17

65 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:18

66 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:18
Who is YOUR gilr?? You have no girl

67 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:18

omai funny dazo

68 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:19
some fucking idiot was trying to find grammatical mistakes

69 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:19
Manhattan, New York

70 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:19
^^.yea I agree

71 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:20
I think you are wrong. It's normal to add go in front of verbs
Like, "Go study!" and "I will go get it."

72 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:21
I agree.Also there is no principal

73 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:21
So what? I totally recognize you are not intelligent because
you really don't know what is reality or not. Bastard!

74 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:21

75 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:21
nanka kantigai sitenaika?

76 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:22

77 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:22
Anyway, it's pretty much of non-sense to point out ALL the
mistakes here. The reason why they are here is
just enjoying chating

78 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:23
bunpo- no kotoha kinisuruna
tango dake demo kuchi ni dasu koto ga dai ippo da

79 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:24

80 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:24
What do you mean?
I agree with 71 on "go" thing.

81 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:25

thanks i try!!(*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ

82 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:25
you sometimes say something good

83 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:25
I never heard such kind of messy English conversation in my lefe.
Probably the guys who hang around with you and I are totally
different. I always hang around with very noble and inteligent

84 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:25
Sorry, I meant >>75.

85 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:26
I don't get what you mean... What is it that you don't understand?

86 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:26
Have you ever watched a movie or TV program?

87 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:27

88 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:27

89 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:28
I'm 5'1,caucasian girl,from u.s.a,brown hair and eyes,average weight/built,
not pretty-nor-ugly just average.

90 名前:80 :03/06/20 13:28
No, it wasn't for you. I meant to say >>75.
Sorry if i confused you.

91 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:29
not sometimes, ALWAYS!

92 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:29

93 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:30
oh really, and you are doing 2ch in this period of time
without being with your "intelligent" friends doing
something that you think is "noble"???

go to hell, you wanker
don't make me laugh any longer

94 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:31
Are you sure? not teasing me? Please tell me your e-mail address.
Get a fun with me in Japan :)

95 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:32

see you soon

96 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:33
Shut up! I became fukin 2ch addintor. So you know..........

97 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:33

98 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 13:33
c u later ,,

99 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:33

100 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:34
me too, in fact
sorry for being rude

101 名前:71 :03/06/20 13:35
I am leaving... see you, friends. w

102 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:38
to 94
i'm student and live in tokyo now.i can't speak japanese well:(
so,i don't have friends...really sad.can u be my friend?
what's your name?hobby?boy or girl?ages?
please write me!

103 名前:10chは神 :03/06/20 13:42
don't think
just feel

104 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:42
That must be pretty lonely. What are you studying?

105 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:43
Wow. Are you really not Japanese girl? Well, i can relly sympatize
you bacause I had a experience that I went to the U.S for a long time.
Why not become my frined? That fine! I am boy and 27 years old.
I am hesitating to write my name in here. But if you write your
e-mail address, i'll write more detail.

106 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:45
are you from Waseda university?

107 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:46

108 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:46
to 104
i'm studying japanese and about japan.
japanese is very difficult:(

109 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:47
yap. But don't misunderstand. I am totally different from
other stupid waseda guys who are now arrested.

110 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:49
but you know, if you make a japanese freind, he/she helps your
study. and that should be fun :)

111 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:55
to 110
yes,i think so.i really appreciate your kindness^^
i have to sutdy japanese hard more.so i can make frends.
thank you.

112 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:57
I don't believe it.

113 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 13:58
with my pleasure. Why don't you go to Yahoo chat. there are
many guys who can help you more than here.

114 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 14:00
or just download AIM and use it.

115 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 14:07
chotto matte, play back, play back.
ima no kotoba, play back, playback.

116 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 14:08
Should I work at NOVA?

117 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 14:26

118 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 14:37

119 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 14:39
Catch up.

120 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 19:20
I want to suck nasty girl's breast.

121 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 21:04

122 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 22:39

123 名前:71 :03/06/20 22:45

124 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 22:56
the girl is mine〜♪
by Monica&Blondie

125 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:02

126 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:04

127 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:18
(ノ゚Д゚) Mornin'
today, i took a nap for three hrs.
that could be nice for me...

128 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:22
Morning! It's too late to say that...
Why did you take a nap?? Were you tired?
Are you planning to stay awake all night and talk with me?

129 名前:帝京 ◆9QBZMJ2bwA :03/06/20 23:24
tadaima.Im tired...

130 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:25
Hi!, Teikyo
What is your job??

131 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:29
You've got 50 points now. w
Anyway, I'll take a shower now...
Try to guess the other half...

132 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:32
>>131 ( ゚Д゚)ポカーン・・・?

133 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/20 23:45
(ノ゚Д゚) Mi sucusi, la mia principessa...

134 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:26
>>133 ( ゚Д゚)ポカーン・・・?
Who are you speaking to??

135 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:26
I dunno

136 名前:132 :03/06/21 00:27
Me neither

137 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:27

138 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:29
Are you hungry?

139 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:29
Cup Noodle

140 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:29
I'm super free.

141 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:29
No, no way, I'm stuffed...

142 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:30

143 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:30

144 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:31

145 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:32
nasty girl!!

146 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:32
I don't like.

147 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:33
Whom you like, then?

148 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:34
you know who...

149 名前:132 :03/06/21 00:35

150 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:35

151 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:35

152 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:37
Inside of the girl?

153 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:37
I wish to exchange with you for a long time.

154 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:38
"Who inside?" is the title of Novel.

155 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:38
Everybody here seems to be talking non-sense...

156 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:38
Who cares?

157 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:39
She is mine.

158 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:39

159 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:40
I know... but.. you nuts!

160 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:40
All should die.

161 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:40
kokoni ima iru yatura minnna makeinu

162 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:41
Rey is mine.

163 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:41
nanimo yoteiga naikara... w

164 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:42
Who the hell are you?

165 名前:162 :03/06/21 00:43
Rei, myself.

166 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:43

167 名前:162 :03/06/21 00:44
i love me

168 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:45

169 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:45

170 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:46

171 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:46

172 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:47
all right

173 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:47

174 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:47
Rey is mine!!

175 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:51

176 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:53

177 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:55

178 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:55
What's PQN?

179 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:56
PQN is a guy like you!

180 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 00:57
I'm a woman!

181 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:00
So PQN is a bitch like you!

182 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:00
I see...

183 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:01
You see?

184 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:02
I'm PQN!

185 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:02

186 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:03

187 名前:10chは神 :03/06/21 01:04
nihongo de kaiwa sureba iidesu ne

188 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:04

189 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:04

190 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:04

191 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:05
頭( ・∀・)イイ!

192 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:06
what is super free ?

193 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:06

194 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:07

195 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:08

how many times do you join the super free event?

196 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:09

197 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:09
never ever

198 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:10

199 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:10
Never, though I'm Waseda Univ. Student.

200 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:15
how do you think think this accdident?

201 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:15

202 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:16
I think think!

203 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:16
なんだよthink think?

204 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:17
深紅 辛苦

205 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:17
オ? ウェンニリヤ イ ヌジュン シガネ
ハハハ クレックナ ムソウンクムル クオックナ
ジャ チョナンカン ヒムネオ カボジャ

206 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:18
I never care about this incident in these days, because I never
belong to such kind of fukin event and group. But I really get
angry with the guys who engaged in this terrible accident, baceuse
they make bad image to our Univ.

207 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:19
it's just an iceberg above the water.

208 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:22

209 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:22

210 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:22
Let it go Ready or not Let me mo'rock
Kick it da lyric Lady go loud
This rhyme and beats gonna change your mind

211 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:23
mother fucker!!!!!!!!!

212 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:23
you too?

213 名前:10chは神 :03/06/21 01:23
so you are an iceberg below the water

214 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:24
Let's do a movie or a long afternoon drive
or going nowheres just fine long
as you are here
Doing nothing never has been so much fun
If it's with you love well
then anythings alright
So we can watch the morning sunrise you and me
Stay with me darling come on

215 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:30
trusier is god!

zico is bad!

which do you like?

216 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:31
I love her.

217 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:32
I like kitazawa.
He is very hot and gentle.

218 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:33



219 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:34
>> 217

keetyan? Do your family read THE YOMIURI?

220 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:35
U゚Д゚U ハァ?

221 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:35
No,I read the NIKKEI.

222 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:37

223 名前:218 :03/06/21 01:38
ohh... i did false explosion!!

224 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:39
Don't mind.

225 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:41
spa! is the most interesting magazine. second saizo
but the most of classmates regard me as crazy

226 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:42
they are right.

227 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:43

228 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:44
This person's ability of English is poor.

229 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:45
Write yourself in English, too.

230 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:45
what is jikobunseki?

231 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:45

232 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:46

233 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:47
nova is a dqn comapany

234 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:47
jikobunseki is like saying what is your charactor, merit, skill
and something like that.

235 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:47
nova is a PQN comapany

236 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:47
All knows.

237 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:48

238 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:49

239 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:49

240 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:50
everybody knows
all know

241 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:52
It is shameful!!!!!!!!!!
I want to come in if there is a hole.

242 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:53
次の文章を英訳せよ(10点) 帝京大学経済学部

俺は東京生まれ、HIPHOP育ち♪ 悪そうな奴は大体友達♪

243 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:54

244 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:55
if i had not know him, i got the satisfied days.

245 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:56
never mind.
Do you care for the university?

246 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:56
yes. grateful days

247 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:57
yes love

248 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:58
but he have changed me , and i could know the new world...

249 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 01:59
Okay, are you a student of it?

250 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:00
shibuya roppongi nishikawaguchi

251 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:00
I am born in Tokyo. I grew up with HIPHOP.
I have a many friends who seems like scam.


252 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:00

253 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:01

254 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:05
Gushiken way, like this

255 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:05

256 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:05
Model answer

257 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:06

why these DQN wear too big NBA basket ball uniform ?

258 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:09

259 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:10
Nothing is left if 2ch is taken from me.

260 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:16
ohh.. there is you by me.

261 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:18
2ch is my best friend

262 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:19
nothing but 2ch.

263 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:20
can not help doing 2ch!


264 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:26
2ch is my lover

265 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:29

266 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:41
2ch ruin my life .
I hate 2ch.

267 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:42
me too

268 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:42
Oh!me too.

do you have naitei?

269 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:44

270 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:48
me too

i will work as a system consultant
but no skill.

271 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:50

272 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:52
very fun

Do not interrupt !

273 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:54
It depends.

274 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:55

Come on!

275 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 02:56
          Fuck you!!
─── /⌒ヽ, ─────────
 ̄ ̄  / ,ヘ  ヽ∧_∧  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   , ” ' ‐ ,
 ̄ ̄ i .i \ ( ´Д`)ヽ,   ___,, __ _ ,, - _―" ’.  ' ・,  ’・ ,  /∧_∧
── ヽ勿  ヽ,__    j  i~""     _ ― _: i ∴”_ ∵,          ))
______   ヽ,, / / __,,, -- "" ─ "ー ・, ; ; - 、・   r=-,/⌒  ~ヽ~,
───────  ヽノ ノ,イ  ─── ― -            i y  ノ' ノi j |   >>271
───────  / /,.  ヽ,  ──                i,,___ノ   //
______   丿 ノ ヽ,__,ノ ___ _ _ _           ,'    ゝ
           j  i                        /   y ノ
_____    巛i~ ____ _             /    /~/

276 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 03:05

My name is David Bekkam

Japnese absurd women gather me

I was very tired

I want to see the other women.

277 名前:271 :03/06/21 03:08
I,m mad!
Who do you think you are ?

278 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 07:04
         , -─‐- 、.
        /   ,r─--ゝ、     You are clumsy.... Mr.Kaiji. Clumsy!!
.       ,'   /    --\    You don't know how to release your desire...
       l    \  ─‐-- 〉   The thing you really want is ...GRILLED CHICKEN!
.       l   i⌒i|  <○> /    You must want to drink COOL BEER with GRILLED CHICKEN!
       |   | h |!     `ヽ    You don't think so ? But GRILLED CHICKEN is too expensive,
.       │   ヽ._|  _,ノ  r______)   so you give up to buy it, and choose "Kaki-Pi".
      |.    / |   l`====ゝ  Mr.Kaiji ! It's too bad! that is really bad!!!!
    /\   /  l   ヾ==テ   "Kaki-Pi" doesn't go well with "COOL BEER"!!!
    /\. \/   ヽ、.___,ノ  That is most silly idea in the world.
  /    \. \   /      If you drink BEER with "Kaki-Pi", you don't feel good beer taste!
 /      \  \ /       I don't tell a lie. It makes you more stressful.
/      _/ \  l        and you must regret that you can't eat GRILLED CHICKEN!
     /   `ヽ.\| You can't eject complaint from your mind!
That is most bad choice for you.
Mr.Kaiji...Small luxury don't help you...
If you want to enjoy, you should do anything until you are satisfied...

279 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 07:27
冷えたビールで飲りたい…! だろ…?
心の毒は残ったままだ 自分へのご褒美の出し方としちゃ最低さ…!

280 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 08:21
Hey, slaimy mad guys in 2ch! Guten Tag! Buenos dias!
After 2 hours, I'll gotta take an exam. I guess that is
super easy, and just a fun! Taking an exam and passing that.
And after then I'll get a position. that it!

Have a nice day!

281 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 08:30
Good luck!

282 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/21 08:36
guten morgen
hope you'll do well on the exam
i wish you a luck...
and have a nice day, too!

283 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/21 08:38
marriage... hehe, seems i'm a bit slow in the morning

284 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 08:42
marry me?

285 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/21 08:43
are you rich? lol

286 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 08:45
not now. but will be.

287 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/21 08:46
try hard, yeah?

288 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 08:47
no. I don't have to.
money loves me 'n comes to me.

289 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/21 08:52
hehe, such a lucky guy
i need that luck, too
then i wouldn't have to work this hard *sigh*
i am gonna go work now

290 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 08:54
if you hate to work, think about it.

291 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/21 08:56
i don't mind working actually...
see ya!

292 名前:_ :03/06/21 08:56

293 名前:金哲煥 ◆Cjk59Y9Krg :03/06/21 13:11

294 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 13:17
nasty age  

295 名前:金哲煥 ◆Cjk59Y9Krg :03/06/21 13:27
Let's talk about shuukatu in English!!!

296 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 13:33
I hate korean.
Get out!

297 名前:金哲煥 ◆Cjk59Y9Krg :03/06/21 13:35
Why? I am sad.

298 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 13:44
Everybody is welcomed here.

299 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 13:54
There is no reason.
But Japanese people have sense of superiority to korean.
So, sense of discremination arise,and make fool of korean.

300 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 13:57
that's sooooo stupid

301 名前:299 :03/06/21 14:37
I reflect on my remark.
My thinking was wrong.
Every human is equal.

302 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 14:39
we are super free!!!!!!!

303 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 14:40
(ノ゚Д゚) It's too damn hot!
anyway I've slept for 8hrs...

304 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 14:43
You is big fool man.

305 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 15:11
It's ok, if you know you were wrong.

306 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/21 18:13
> (ノ゚Д゚) Mornin'

I read this word, "MOOMIN"

307 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 00:11
hello every body.

308 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 02:40
Hello, Mr. Anonymous

309 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 02:50
「Surprised to see me?」

310 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 02:55

311 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 02:57
Anyway, have you seen Mtrix Reloaded?

312 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 02:58
Yep, Twice...

313 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 02:59
I love Naiobi, she's cool.

314 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:01
I think so, too but I love Trinity...

315 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:02
Could you tell me why?

316 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:05
"I'm in.", which is her monolog, fascinates me...

317 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:05

318 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:09

319 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:10
Yeah that's cool.
I like Naiobi's way to support Morpheus.

surprised to see you.

320 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:11
Kool, anyway, don't forget Keymaker...

321 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:12
「He's handy」

322 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:13
[Jump on.]

323 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:18
[We do any what we're meant to do.]

324 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:19
「Tonight I believe we can end it(2ch)」

325 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:20
What is ROM?

326 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:21
[Tonight is not an accident. There are no accidents. We have not come here by chance.]

327 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:22
Remain On the Memory...

328 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:22
forget about them

329 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:23
Read only memory

嘘(・A ・) イクナイ

330 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:24
嘘(・A ・)ジャナイ!

331 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:25
嘘(・A ・)ジャナイ!

332 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:26

333 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:26
Read And Murmur.

334 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:27

335 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:27

336 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:27

337 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:28

338 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:32
Don't mind,

339 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 03:33

340 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 08:36
Long time No see

341 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 10:11

342 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 14:38

343 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 15:10
nasty. let you pee. i'll drink it.

344 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 15:13
Bekkam is the most beautiful soccer player

345 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 15:14
I wanna see Charlie's Angel.
It's coming out next week.

346 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 15:20

347 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 22:39
nasty. let you pee. i'll drink it.

348 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/22 22:40

349 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/23 00:20
me too... i LOVE lucy liu
she is so hot
oh god, that's gross...

350 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 00:21

351 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 00:26
is there Cameron?

352 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/23 00:28

353 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 00:33

354 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/23 00:36
check this out

355 名前:10chは神 :03/06/23 00:37
fucking nasty again

356 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/23 00:38
sorry about that...

357 名前:Beckhamやねん :03/06/23 01:14
Your spelling is wrong.

358 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:16
Hi What's up?

359 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:23
Nothin' but just tired...

360 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:28

361 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:29
oh come, come inside!!

362 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:31
yeah, gonna thrust my fuckin dickie, ya bitch

363 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:38
It is a excellent company.
If you get employed that company,
you can get¥230000 yen by starting sarary.

364 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:45
(ノ゚Д゚)Good evening!
All day I done
 |\ ○
 ≫ ̄\
I dried up...

365 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 01:58
there still longer road to go...
just wondering how far I could go.

366 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:19
wherever you want...

367 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:28
Life is a trip.

368 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:31
it's a long long journey...

369 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:36
He saies "still your love"

370 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:36
in your life, there's no goal

371 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:39
i envy you...

372 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:41
sorry,i give you my love

373 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:43
still in love

374 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:43
don't say that... just say when you have someone special in your heart...

375 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:44
Broken heart.

376 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:44
I wish I could tear him apart!

377 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:45
you really wanna do so?

378 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:45

379 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:46

380 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:47
I wish Iwere a bird!

381 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:47
日  本  語  しゃ  べ  れ

382 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:48
you can fly.

383 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:48
what do you mean?

384 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:49
in English,please

385 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:49
I wish I were Charlie Bird.

386 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:50
herb, it's a type of herb..,

387 名前: ◆sZMOg20d0E :03/06/23 02:50
I did! I did!
I was unofficially arranged BIGCAMERA!

388 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:51
I want to eat unko.
What should I do?

389 名前:You guys are :03/06/23 02:51

390 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:52
you should think again

391 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:53
Just do it!

392 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:54
Oh!!!It is why!!!!

393 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:54

394 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:55
what the heck is goin on?

395 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:55
Fuck that. I mean, the heck with that.

396 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:55

397 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:56

398 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:56
I can believe human & life.

399 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:57

400 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:57
I agree.

401 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:58
You don't have pure soul.

402 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:58
sometime you can, sometime you cannot

403 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 02:59

404 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:00

405 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:00

406 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:00

407 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:01
Love & Peace is forever

408 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:03
Free Space

409 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:03

410 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:03
Silicone Neon?

411 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:04
You are certainly the one of the SAYOKU.

412 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:05
The freshness of nature with an intimate hint of alkali.
Enjoy a lottle more health, every day.

413 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:06

414 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 03:09
yumeoi bitoni nedokohanai

415 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 08:55
(ノ゚Д゚)Good morning!!

416 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:35
unko funjyatta

417 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:38
Please give me only heartful future.

418 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:39
You shall have one.

419 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:41

420 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:42
Hello,I am Nancy

421 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:44
Not Nasty?

422 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:46
A life is multiplication.
No matter how much there is a chance in ・・・.

It is meaningless if one is "a zero"!!

423 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:54
>>422 I don't understand you.

424 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 09:55

425 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 10:05
( ゚Д゚)ハァ?

426 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 12:11
Kawabuchi captain must fire Zico
Zico have no skill to manage playrers

427 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 13:52
Hi, everyone.

428 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 22:32

429 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 23:35
I'm gonna make you wish you were dead. Poor girl.

430 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 23:46


431 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/23 23:53
( ・д⊂ヽ゛

432 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 00:24
what makes you think so?
take it easy...
just woke up?
that's a bit late

433 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 01:24
    ↓excite translation(J to E)
The employment battle line trouble namelessness
    ↓excite translation(E to J)

It's not funny ヽ(`Д´)ノ nooooooo!!

434 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 01:30
I don't trust that kind of translator... it sucks.
anywayzzz, i am going to bed... feeling so sleepy

nighty night:)

435 名前:10chは神 :03/06/24 01:31
job-hunting frontier

436 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 01:31
ops, did I miss you, girl?

437 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 01:34
who is it?
i am still here...
just forgot to write someone

438 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 01:36
I think both Kwabuchi and Zico should be fired.

439 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 01:50
I love Kawabuchi
He will be fired over my dead

440 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 01:52
you seem to have gone already...
maybe some other time!

441 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 02:11

442 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 04:18
Everything seems to have gotten rotten in hell.
I don't know what I'm gonna get.
Don't give me any shit, please.
I can't bear this.
Hello Hello Hello Hello.

443 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 04:24

444 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 10:52
I want to talk to anyone/

445 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 10:55
Could you talk with me?

446 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:02
I'm not 444 but I'd talk with you.

447 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:07
How about your situation in job hunting?
I think I had missed the tide.
Recentry, I become gradually optimistic,
because I can get part time job if I get no job.

448 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:09
optimist? pessimisit?

449 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:12
I had removed mountains for SHYUUKATU.

450 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:19
omae ha shuukatu kara nigerunoka?
makegumi kettei(ノ゚Д゚)

ore ha sinpai-shou dakara hikanshugisha da!

451 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:24
me too.but I pretend to be optimist. l become mental disaese
so i always drink beer .be alcholic
bad spiral begins...umm

452 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:25
Quite frankly, I haven't even started my Shuukatsu yet.

453 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:29
SACK ME!!!!w

454 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:54

455 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:55

456 名前:bald :03/06/24 11:56

Your guys are HAGE!

457 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 11:56
Suck to you!!

458 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:01

459 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:01

460 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:02
So,why not?

461 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:06
What are you people here
talking about?

462 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:08
No. Hage

463 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:09
Well, I've sent some entries to several companies actually.
But I haven't made any appointments for interview or any further progress at the moment.
I'm thinking about going to NOVA.
I wonder if they still accept entries.

464 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:11

465 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:12
What fucking are you talking about?

466 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:12
Don't go to NOVA. They are exactly bullshit!

467 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:17

468 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:21
Nova is an ecxellent comapany!
but you must be careful to work Nova
Why ? you detect Nova Mystery by yourself

469 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:22
Bullshit means "おろそか". I had learned it.

470 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:25
What did you hear about NOVA?
They certainlly have a bad reputation.

471 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:25
Are you playing a fishing now?>>468

472 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 12:30
Nova means "no vacation"
did you guys know that?

473 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:31

474 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:32
No. But that sounds very black.

475 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 12:34
it does, doesn't it
that's what i heard from those who have experiences
of working there as teachers
i don't know much about gereral office workers, though.

476 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 12:39
and i also heard those kinds of english language schools
are ran by consumer credit companies as one of
thier tax-planning activities

477 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:43
I don't hear anything good about NOVA.
Some poeple say that NOVA is related to some religious group.
I don't know if that's true though.

Really? If that's true, that would make them even blacker.

478 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 12:48

myelder freind worked Nova.
he was basketballplayer and Everyone likes him

After 2years he became melancholic,and fired
he attack me and his freinds. but We were patient to his aciton,
because we are good camapanys!

Recenet he begins to work as a system engineer
he thanks us to be cared.he cried.

We enjoyed basketball a week

479 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 12:53
i used to go to geos, one of those english lang. school,
but it actually looked alright... i guess as long as you are a student
it doesn't really matter what is behind
but when you work there... i don't know, hehe
that's how i scare my friends who have got job-offers from nova

480 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 13:21
Yeah. When you work, you get involved with "behind" things.
I guess that's where you see those bad things.

Nova seems to be everywhere. That scares me too.

481 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 13:29
i agree... and i reckon we can say that to every company in fact
you can never see what's going on there until you start working for it
nova is just one of them, and
hope the one that i got an offer from won't be as bad...
and i know what you mean by "nova is everywhere"
being famous is nothing to do with what it actually is

482 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 13:45

483 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 13:57
I hope the comapany you're going to be working for is good and nice.
There's nothing worse than doing what you hate for the company that you don't even like.
Actually, I suppose there are numerous things worse than that.
But anyway, about Nova being everywhere, you're right.
I guess being famous doesn't prove anything
except for the fact that they are making enough profit to extend their business.
and just because they are around now,
that doesn't mean they would survive in the future either.

484 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 14:06
I should get going now. I've been online for too long.
Bye everyone and nasty girl. Nice talking to you.

485 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 14:07
Oh, and good luck on your future!

486 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 14:24

487 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/24 14:28
nice chatting with you, too
i am impressed with your english by the way
come here and talk to me again, yeah?

488 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 14:31
i don't understan you were so grity!
especialy i've been forbidon.
good by for now.

489 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 14:36
I have no money.

490 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 19:10
your english isn't good

491 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 19:16
nasty girl is very lewd.

492 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 19:16
Nanda kono sure bakana 2ch neler wa
ottuite naijan atama iiyatuni neler wa
inaitte kotoka

493 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 19:17
faultfinding is not good.

494 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 19:18

495 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 21:23

496 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 21:49
Dont worry anything.


497 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:11
Hello, hello?

498 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:23
I've just finished my part time job.
I'm home.

499 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:23

500 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:23
Hi, my name is Masa. Are you tired?

501 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:26

502 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:29
is that your real name? better not reveal it here.

503 名前:Masa :03/06/24 22:30
Of course not!

504 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/24 22:30
Please Cum Inside Me!!
Please Cum Inside Me!!
Please Cum Inside Me!!

505 名前:Masa :03/06/24 22:32
All right! WHere are you now? I am coming!!

506 名前:加藤 愛 :03/06/24 23:53
it's my 505!please return me!

507 名前:Masa :03/06/25 00:15

508 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:22
Hi when is it in Canada?

509 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:22

510 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:23

511 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:25

512 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:25

513 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:26

514 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:27

515 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:30

516 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:43

517 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:43

518 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:44

519 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:44

520 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:45

521 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:48

522 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:48
what's up?

523 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:50

524 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:51
Nothing special, but I finished cleaning my prof's lab.
I said "good job" to myself(´ー`)
how's you?

525 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:51

526 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:52
nothing... just nothing...
my life is empty now...

527 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:53
May I ask why?

528 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:53
no, please...

529 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:56
OK,I won't.
then what we gonna talk about?

530 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:58
Are you Soukei girl?

531 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:58

532 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 00:59
gimme something to hook me up...

533 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:02
Oh, how can I?

534 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:03
gimme your smile...

535 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:05

536 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:06

537 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:07

538 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:13

539 名前:Masa :03/06/25 01:35

540 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:37

541 名前:Masa :03/06/25 01:37

542 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:38

543 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:39
to be continued....

544 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:39

545 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:45

546 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:53


547 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 01:55
"... the magic is all around you.
All the time. Everywhere.
In every thing.
The trick... is to see it."

548 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/25 05:56
Although I haven't seen her in less than three days I know I'll miss her forever.
I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was in 2-channel.

Jesus, does anybody?

Sorry but I can't keep our promises...

549 名前:Masa :03/06/26 00:12
What are you trying to say?

550 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/26 00:14
You guess.

551 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/26 00:14
maybe s/he is crazy, isn't s/he?

552 名前:Masa :03/06/26 00:16
S/he is.

553 名前:Masa :03/06/26 00:39
Maybe he was trying to say he found people in 2ch more important than
who he hang around with in his real life, because he could open his heart
to those 2channellers.

Am I right?

554 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/26 00:41

555 名前:Masa :03/06/26 00:44
So, what is it?

556 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/26 00:44

557 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/26 00:47
You Suck!

558 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/06/26 07:06
I got myself a handle name, by the way.
From now on, I'll come around here with this name.
See you soon.

559 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/06/26 07:22
Mornin' guys.
glad to see people have been starting to have HN here.

560 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/26 18:26
welcom, chelsea... nice to see you having the handle name
but i won't be here for next 10 days... cuz...
i am going for a trip, yeah!

cannot wait... it motivated me while i was doing job-hunting
i don't think i will sleep tonight, cuz of packing and this excitement

561 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/26 19:36
Where are you going ?

562 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/26 19:58
bangkok, pattaya and kurabi.
i have never been there b4... so excited!
but, sigh, i have got this home work to do which is due today...
so i am writing this from my uni
being disturebed by thinking about what is waiting after this
guess what... i haven't packed yet and
the flight is so damn early in the morning!
have got to stay awake all night tonight...

563 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/26 22:10
yeah!! i've just finished my work!!
hope the printer down there is still available...
gotta rush off now

see you guys, talk to you when i come back from Thailand
so plz don't let this thread go to dat, ok *grin*

564 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/06/27 02:21
I wish I could go somewhere else myself.
I've never been to Thailand or any Asian country other than Japan.
I wonder what it would be like to be there.
Have a nice and safe trip, nasty girl.
Take care.

565 名前:関西人 :03/06/27 02:24
I can't believe it!
Don't leave your things.
I hear prices in Thailand is very low,
So you must enjoy shoping .
Anyway, enjoy your trip.

566 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/27 02:26
thanks to both of you.
i am sure i will miss 2ch there...
i decided to stay awake all night
otherwise i won't be able to get up at 4 in the morning

567 名前:新パパイヤ ◆HPOETEVEN. :03/06/27 02:28
take care and have a lot of fun there.

568 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/27 02:30
thanks... hey, your trip looks real familier to me
what was your previous name before?

569 名前:新パパイヤ ◆HPOETEVEN. :03/06/27 02:32
you know, i was named "Taro" before...

570 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/27 02:35
ooooh, i seeee
hahaha, didn't know your name ended up pinapple!

571 名前:新パパイヤ ◆HPOETEVEN. :03/06/27 02:36
nooooooooooooooooooooo, I'm named "papaya" now!!!!!!!!

572 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/27 02:40
oh, sorry... i am not into tropical fruits much...
as i'm a big fan of chocolate

573 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 02:53
YASHINO-YA of yesterday and the neighborhood -- it carried out YASHINO-YA.
However, it can be crowded and cannot sit down. If it often sees, the curtain has fallen,
and 150 yen is written to be influence.
Is it AHO?
Is it foolish?
Don't come to you and YASHINO-YA which is not coming by influence usually 150 yen -- dotage the price is 150 yen -- 150 yen
There is also a parent-and-child companion. It is the four families.
It is sad. Means and papa ask TOKUMORI. It has said. It is not looking any longer. you -- since 150 yen is done, retreat
the seat YASHINO-YA should suppose that it is bloodier.
Even if a quarrel starts with the fellow who sat on the other side of the character table of U,
it can be stuck which is not amusing, or such an atmosphere is good.
Neither a woman nor a child needs to come out.
If it thinks at last whether it was able to sit down -- the next fellow -- O-MORITSUYUDAKU -- it has said
Then, it got angry again. That TSUYUDAKU is not in fashion. Foolish person.
Proud -- carry out a face and don't call it TSUYUDAKU Do you want to eat TSUYUDAKU truly?
I want to ask a question. I want to ask a question. I want to ask a question for about 1 hour.
You do not only want whether to call it TSUYUDAKU.
Detailed I say to YASHINO-YA.
The newest fashion by people detailed to YASHINO-YA is NEGIDAKU O-MORI-NEGIDAKU-GYOKU.
An order of a person with this detailed. As for NEGIDAKU, the Welsh onion is more mostly contained.
Instead, there is a little little meat. In addition, O-MORI-GYOKU. This is the strongest.
However, if it asks this, it will be accompanied also by risk of saying that a salesclerk looks out from the next.
The sword of many edges. It cannot recommend to an amateur.
An amateur needs to eat GYU-SHAKE-TEISHOKU.

574 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/27 02:56
you better piss off
it's gai-shutu, haha

575 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/06/27 03:01
nice chatting with you
i had a cool time just before the trip
i am gonna go offline now

576 名前:新パパイヤ ◆HPOETEVEN. :03/06/27 03:02
ciao ciao, arrivederci.

577 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 03:18

578 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 15:29
( ノ゚Д゚)

579 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 15:41














in English, please!

580 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 15:43
YOSHINOYA is delicous,speedy,cheap!!


good job!

581 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 15:59
When I was a child, younger days

I asked Mother to buy me a packet of crisps.

but she rejected my proposal

so I went wrong

to vagabond's world

a few years later,

I got a parcel containing a packet of crisps from Mom


582 名前:1行だけ呼んでレス :03/06/27 16:05
When I was a child, younger days


583 名前:582 :03/06/27 16:07

584 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 16:08
when I was a elementary school kid,

585 名前:582 :03/06/27 16:12

586 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 16:12

587 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 16:13

588 名前:582 ◆36Kdb7l8/M :03/06/27 16:14

589 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 16:15

590 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/27 20:01
good old days when i was younger

591 名前:chelsea :03/06/28 03:07
a long, long time ago

592 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:17
Once upon a time

593 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/06/28 03:25
What happened?

594 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/06/28 03:27
nothing ever happens, and I wonder

595 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:37
When I was a younger,elementary school kid.

I asked for a potechi.

She rejected it.

I strayed from the right path.

Got into the mafia world.

Few years later,

A potechi was sent from my mother.

My brother called and said that my mother was dead.

I knew her real intention.

"I didn't wanted to let him eat junk foods because he was not strong."

I cried out.

Got back the right path.

Ate potechi.


Somebody,correct this!!

596 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:39
When I was a younger,elementary school kid.

I asked for a potechi to my mom.

She rejected it.

I strayed from the right path.

Got into the mafia world.

Few years later,

A potechi was sent from my mother.

My brother called me and said that my mother was dead.

They told me her real intention.

"I didn't wanted to let him eat junk foods because he was not strong."

I cried out.

Got back the right path.

Ate potechi.


How about this?

597 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:42
Ich mag es.
Kummern Sie nie welch Leute-Meinung.

598 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:45

599 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:46
Schreiben Sie was immer, das Sie wollen.

                     Dies ist 2 Channel.

600 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 03:48
・木村広明 − 父親は神主。読みはひろあきで間違い無いのですが表記が異なるかも。
・沢登健二 − 千葉医大医学部入学後、取消し処分。千葉大医学部長を相手に提訴。父親は会社員。
・大内啓嗣 − 柿澤啓嗣を名乗り琉球大医学部在学中だが処分も間近か?。父親は東京大学教授の大内尉義、母親は赤羽で大内皮膚科を経営。
・美原玄 − 両親は離婚、本人は母方の姓を名乗る。新宿区大京町の輪姦マンションを提供。脳血管研究所付属美原記念病院の息子。
・高橋大祐 − 父親は弁護士。早稲田大学政経学部入学の未確認情報あり。ds

601 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 04:03
I am perfect with respect to SHUKATSU.
Namely, I`m one of some winners!
so long!

602 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 04:17
uh-anyhow,those are looser who implored and paid 20M yen,with saying"Dont sue us"

・Hiroaki KIMURA - Father is a Shinto priest. The name is read as HIROAKI but the character would be different.

・Kenji SAWANOBORI - He got the cancellation after he entered the facility of medicine in Chiba Medical Univ. Brought a case before the court against the university. His father is an employee.

・Keiji OOUCHI - He is in facility of medicine in Ryukyuu university,with changing his name as Keisi Kakizawa. Although,the punishment is coming? 
His father is Iyoshi Oouchi, the professor of Tokyou University.His mother is running Oouchi dermatology in Akaba.

・Gen MIHARA - His parents has devoced, and his family name is mother's. He offered a "raping" room in Daikei-cho Shinjyuku-ku.
He is from MIHARA memorial hospital attached to Reserch senter for brain vessel.

・Daiyu TAKAHASHI - His father is an lawyer. There is an unconfirmed report that he entered facility of politics & economics in Waseda university.

603 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 04:19
escriba cualquier cosa que usted quiere

        Este es 2 Channel.       

604 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 11:42

605 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 13:55
I'm proud of my penis.

606 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 13:58
me too

607 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 14:07
I have no penis.

608 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 15:59
it stinks!

609 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 18:33

610 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 18:33

611 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 18:35
you are stinky.

612 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 18:37
All the members are BAKA.

613 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 18:39

614 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/28 18:40
you stink!

615 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/29 01:32
    ,.、   ,r 、
   ,! ヽ ,:'  ゙;
   .!  ゙, |   }
    ゙;  i_i  ,/
    ,r'     `ヽ、
   ,i"        ゙;   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   !. ・     ・  ,!  < 
  (ゝ_   x  _,r''   |  Am I stinky?
   ヽ,:`''''''''''''''"ヽ.     | 
    |      r'    \__________________

616 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/06/29 17:49

617 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/07/01 08:45
Good morning!
Have a nice day.

618 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 08:48

619 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 09:11

620 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 09:16

621 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/01 11:09
Morning, guys.
have been away from 2ch.

anyone here?

622 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 11:23
nobody here

623 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/01 11:26
you ARE here?

624 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 11:29
No, I'm not here

625 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 17:08
Come on, oh yes drive me mad

626 名前:三村 :03/07/01 17:10

627 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 17:12

628 名前:三村 :03/07/01 17:13

629 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/01 20:42
2ch is addictive.
Don't go too far.

630 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 00:28
I got it.

631 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/02 09:06
oh yes, age :P

632 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:24
I won't pretend to care what's bothering you, but I do care very much as to how it affects me.
That kind of blatant disrepect in there is unacceptable! You got that?

633 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:45
where do you see the disrespect.

634 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:46

635 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:46
That much.

636 名前:female student aged 22 :03/07/02 09:48
I am a 2ch addict. I get up too early in the morning, playing 2ch. After that I go to bed again not to be awake till noon.

My situation was so serious that I gave up the job hunting.

I go to the university once a week to attend the seminar. My colleagues never fail to ask me whether I found a job. When asked, I always respond as follows: I am in the serious situation and it is difficult for me to
get a position in a company. However in fact I am now preparing for the exam to be a civil service. I sat for the exam of the national government employee for the second degree(that is called "non-career").

I' d like to get a job offer for the civil service soon.

Thank you for reading.

637 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:49
Good luck!!

638 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:49
hangin' there.
2ch addiction deservates your life!
keep away from it!

639 名前:female student aged 22 :03/07/02 09:55
Everyone in this thread likes to study English?

I recalled that I wanted to be an interpreter or a cabin attendant when I was a junior high school student.

Now, I am studing jurisprudence(law). My major is constitution.

640 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:57
I hate studying english.
that's just a tool, there's no fun.

641 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 09:57
still here? just take your time to study your major and keep away from here...

642 名前:female student aged 22 :03/07/02 09:59
Thank you very much! God bless you!

You are quite right.

643 名前:female student aged 22 :03/07/02 10:02
I think likewise. That is why I chose jurisprudence as my major.

Thank you. I'll back to my study.

Good bye!

644 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:03
see ya.

645 名前:female student aged 22 :03/07/02 10:04
Sorry I made a mistake.

I'll <go> back to my study.

646 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:05
nobody cares... having fun!

647 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:05
never mind. we got you.

648 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:14
anyway, now nobody's here...

649 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:25
I'm here.

650 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:26
you're here, but I'm NOT here.

651 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:27
right. you don't exist anywhere.

652 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:29
Great! Uh, any-anybody seen the Biscuit?

653 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:30
(´-`).。oO(what's he talkin' bout?)

654 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:31
(´-`).。oO(uh, uh, nothin')

655 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:31
(´-`).。oO(a movie or somethin' like that?)

656 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:34

657 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:36
(´-`).。oO(is that a place in NY?)

658 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:36
(´-`).。oO(you know that.)

659 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:37
(´-`).。oO(Pon kick it!)

660 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:38
(´-`).。oO(I cannot get you...)

661 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:39
(´-`).。oO(in other words, ponkikki)

662 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:39
(´-`).。oO(in other words, hold my hand.)

663 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:40
(´-`).。oO(fly me to the moon♪)

664 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:41
(´-`).。oO(I love the song.)

665 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:43
(´-`).。oO(let me play among the stars.)

666 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:44
(´-`).。oO(that makes me feel like having a cup of coffee.)

667 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:45
(´-`).。oO(have you ever seen the movie "Space Cowboys"?)

668 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:47
(´-`).。oO(I think I havent. just not a action-movie fun. what's the movie like?)

669 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:49
(´-`).。oO(I like romantic movies, such as you've got a mail, Bridget Jones' diary and so on)

670 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:50
(´-`).。oO(so I could recommend you some movie. how 'bout European ones? Anna+Otto is my favorite.)

671 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:52
(´-`).。oO(if you like "Anna+Otto", I can recommend you "Serendipity".)

672 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:54
(´-`).。oO(uh-huh, you checked Cinemaspace, didn't ya. I did check it but not have the chance to watch it.)

673 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:55
(´-`).。oO(No I didn't. so how about "Life is Beautiful"?)

674 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:58
(´-`).。oO(yeah, I watched it. Anyway, movies are a part of my life, ever.)

675 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 10:59
(´-`).。oO(sounds nice. for me, musics.)

676 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:00

677 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:00
(´-`).。oO(hip-hop, R'n'B.)

678 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:01
(´-`).。oO(ah-yes, jazz is the other part of my life.)

679 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:03
(´-`).。oO(I am boko. What you are ?)

680 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:03
(´-`).。oO(in this season, I frequently listen to bossa-nova style musics. )

681 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:04
(´-`).。oO(we are BOKO!!)

682 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:06
(´-`).。oO(Anybody is boko !?)

683 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:07
(´凹`).。oO(we are BOKO!!)

684 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:11

685 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:11

686 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:20

687 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:33
(´-`).。oO(Thank you for the music.)

688 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:34
(´-`).。oO(No music, No life.)

689 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:39
(´-`).。oO(that's cocco.)

690 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:40
(´-`).。oO(I'm the king of the world!)

691 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:41

692 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:41
(´-`).。oO(Trust me!)

693 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:43
(´-`).。oO(Titanic will sink. It's made of iron!)

694 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:43
(´-`).。oO(I wish I were a Mona-.)

695 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:44
(´-`).。oO(I'm an idiot.) 

696 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:44
(´-`).。oO(Monariza. You bastard!)

697 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:45
(´-`).。oO(>>696 You SUCK!)

698 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:46
(´-`).。oO(whut da bitch!)

699 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:47
(´-`).。oO(cut it off!)

700 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/02 11:48
(´-`).。oO(dun cut my dickie pennie!)

701 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 00:19

702 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 00:21
Iam a pen.

703 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 00:21
sage = wise
hage = bald

704 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:12
2ch promote your health.
And broaden your horizon.
You sometimes find yourself you don`t know.
2ch give you a lot of infomation and opportunity.
I affirm the secret of success in job- hunting is in 2ch.
2ch is my teahcer in my life.
Ley's do 2ch everday at least 2 hour.

705 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:23

706 名前:704 :03/07/03 01:40
I am a good guy.
So,I never tell a lie .
I'm saying this because i'm concened about you.
You'll understand it sooner or later.

707 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:44
meeting with 2ch was the best thing that ever happened to me.
untill then, I was withdrawn guy with almost no friends in the real world.
but after joining 2ch, I found some of the best friends of mine that never I had had,
and we have been gettin' very well all the while.

If there had not been 2ch, my life never would be as it is.
I'd like to thank to Hiroyuki, for all the efforts he had made to realize 2ch.

Thank you.

708 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:48
On my brother!

709 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:49
(´-`).。oO(oh my conbu)

710 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:51
B-B-B-B, on my beat
B-B-B-B, on my beat
B-B-B-B, on my beat, my beat.

711 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:53
(´-`).。oO(only only only only only you)

712 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:53
2ch is a waste of time.
That'S enough!

713 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:54
shut up!

714 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:55
don't under-estimate the potential of 2ch for your health.
it'll improve your blood pressure and thus, ease your stress from your life.

that's the very way to get your life satisfied and leads to your promotion in your business career.

715 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:58
cut the crap, man!
you gotta live your real life.
this is only virtual world where you CAN'T live! :P

716 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 01:58
You have a point!
I was just thinking the same thing.

717 名前:715 :03/07/03 02:02
oh, geeeezz, we are the opposite.

718 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 02:04
Why you use 2ch?

719 名前:715 :03/07/03 02:05
'cuz I'm just one of the addicts.
but I won't take this as desirable... I gotta make any effort to get outa this, yeah. thank you.

720 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 02:11
You don't have to leave.
You shoud learn a correct use of 2ch.

721 名前:715 :03/07/03 02:13
correct use?! ha-ha!
I don't see any correct way, this is exactly the disorder and there is no way to handle as we hope, unless we play some roles by ourselves.
that makes it more funny.

722 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 02:18
You do it

723 名前:715 :03/07/03 02:19
Darn it!
How'd you know that???

724 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 02:21
Cut it out!

725 名前:715 :03/07/03 02:24
ahh, yeah. ya right.

726 名前:715 :03/07/03 02:28
multi-role-playing is the technique for you to enjoy your 2ch life the more.
this makes others look like there 2 or more guys in the thread at the same time, while there are only two of you.
this will be usefull when you try to energize the people in the thread.

727 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/07/03 06:41
Bonjour. Without 2ch, I'm nothing.
I went to see Charlie's Angel yesterday.
The first part was a bit awkward but the rest was okay.
It wasn't a great film obviously but was a quite fun to watch.
I like Drew Barrymore most, but I think if she lost some weight, she'd look a lot better.
That reminds me that I need to lose some weight myself.
I'm going to eat only yogurt today.

728 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 06:43
(´-`).。oO(you can eat whatever you want... just try to keep your healthy habits...)

729 名前:Chelsea ◆SEA.jsXqFs :03/07/03 06:50
(ok. I'll try that. thank you.)

730 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 07:01
(´-`).。oO(Take care.)

731 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 08:28

732 名前:Bustygirl ◆Gv599Z9CwU :03/07/03 21:25
Nice to meet you everybody.

733 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/03 21:26
Let's get rid of it!

734 名前:Bustygirl ◆Gv599Z9CwU :03/07/03 21:30
I want to do it ,but I can't.

735 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/05 00:36
This thread is too foolish!

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