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3 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/01 07:38


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5 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/01 07:56

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7 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/04 02:27

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10 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/04 02:31

11 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/06 20:03

12 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/06 20:04

Thank you for emailing President Bush. Your ideas and comments are very
important to him.

For up-to-date information about the President and his policies, please check
the White House web site at www.whitehouse.gov.

Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President
cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staff
considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns.

Again, thank you for your email. Your interest in the work of President Bush
and his administration is appreciated.

The White House Office of E-Correspondence


13 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/06 20:07

14 –¼‘OFAEíüˆÙó–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ F03/07/06 20:14

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