Let's talk 'bout anything in English, again.
1 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:06 ほい
2 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:06 Got 2.
3 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:07 (´・д・).。oO(got━━━━━━(゚(゚(゚(゚(゚(゚(゚∀゚*)━━━━━━ here!!!!!)
4 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:07 ____ /∴∵∴∵\ /∴∵∴∵∴∵ヽ |∴(・)(・),∴∴∵ヽ |/ ○ \∵∵| | 三 | 三 ヽ∵| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | __|__ | ∵| < Uruse-Baka! ,r\ ヘ_/ |/ \_____ /7ィrヘ.\____/ (i |ゞソノ`、,.rク/:/| `''"E /`ー'^/ | `"`ヾニ_,! | ! i' / i | /. /l | ,r-r'" / ノ | |_ ミーf-f、.,_ | ~`ーヘ、三二!
5 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:08 そういえば、英語は英検準一とってからまったく勉強してない 前スレもちょっと見たけど、わからない単語や言い回しが普通にあった。
6 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:08 >>4 you've been waitin' for this time, haven't you?
7 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:09 I am waiting for god10ch. He must be cool, huh?
8 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:09 yeah it's more like it! i guess i will be addicted to 2ch a lot again cuz of this thread, haha
9 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:10 >>7 I've not seen him for a while, maybe a couple of weeks.
10 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:10 >>8 dun blame it on me. lol
11 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:11 イエーーーイ!今日も元気にいこうぜ
12 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:11 Hi nasty do you know 10chは神? have you ever talked to him?
13 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:11 dunって何だ?>10
14 名前:_ :03/07/17 02:11 http://homepage.mac.com/hiroyuki44/
15 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:11 >>7 do you come online everyday? i miss him, too he's a funny broke.
16 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:13 >>15 not really. just sometimes
17 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:13 >>13 (´・д・).。oO(it means ”Don't”)
18 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:14 oops, what i meant by >>7 was 10, sorry. >>12 hi, nice to meet you i haven't even come to shuushoku-ita for long, you know
19 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:15 >>16 your HN sounds like indian
20 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:15 >>1 lol
21 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:15 >>1 lol.
22 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:15 >>18 oh, ok. anyway, its nice to meet you
23 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:15 am i the only one writing on this thread...?
24 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:16 >>18 well... practically, yes. but I am not always within my HN. lol you know, I am one of the addicts now....hum
25 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:16 >>22 how are you doing everyday?
26 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:16 >>23 maybe some people. not more than 4, though.
27 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:17 No,thank you
28 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:17 (´・д・).。oO(I'm comin'〜)
29 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:17 >>19 haha. i like india a lot. but actually my HN is Turkish.
30 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:17 so fucking what?
31 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:17 >>30 we've been waiting for you. lol
32 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:18 >>24 you write here without your HN on?? i am curious what kinda things you write... hehe
33 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:19 hehe? hehe?......hehe?
34 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:19 >>32 ah.. yeah, I guess you're imaging the right way... hehe but just to energize the threads, not to offend people.
35 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:20 >>25 fine. everything is going OK, thanks Actually i'm gona go to Turkey next week. i am soooooooo excited. and how are you doing?
36 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:20 hehe
37 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:20 (´・д・).。oO(so, may you guys be happy forever! so long.)
38 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:21 >>29 i see. have you been there though? i think the next distination will be nepal... it's never ending peace and love, you know. on the other hand, india refers to 'i never do it again'
39 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:22 >>35 Turkey would be great... enjoy mizu-tabacco(sorry, don't know what to say) there.
40 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:23 >>39 (´・д・).。oO(could be toker, i suppose)
41 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:24 >>40 ahh, you tried that, didn't ya?
42 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:24 >>37 same goes to you >>35 er, i came back from thailand some days ago and now busy with exmas and my part time job. i am kinda tired... had too much fun there, i guess. i wanna escape from the real life... i am still in a holiday mood. let me follow you to turky, yeah? i am gonna fit myself into your luggage
43 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:25 >>41 (´・д・).。oO(sure, hehe)
44 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:26 何で皆、そんなに英語書けんの?理系の俺にはさっぱり。
45 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:26 >>38 yeah i have. there is everyting in india. there are the richest peopel in the world and the poorest peopel, at the same time. there are the happiest things and the worst thing there. India is still really wonderful country. so youre gona go to napal? when?
46 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:26 actually, i have seriously been thinking of going to nepal. it would be so cool...
47 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:27 何で、英語だとみんなテンション高くなるんだ? みんな、外国人になりきってるって感じがする。 実際、典型的な日本の和室の中で打ってたら、それもまた 一興だね。
48 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:28 すげー訛り英語再現してる
49 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:28 >>39 thanks. actually this will be my third time. and I've tried mizu-tabaco before when i was in Turkey and Cyprus. it tasted strowberyy and was not bad......
50 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:29 >>45 hopefully coming Nov... cuz my friend who i met in bangkok will be having a holiday at that time. i have no porb with skipping classes. i am too scared to go to india. i suppose the country is too much for me in every single way... oyu know what i mean?
51 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:29 訛りなの?
52 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:30 >>49 ah, you know that. lol I wanna go there again, but won't have the time, at least in this summer...
53 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:31 何か英文構造間違ってる人多いね。
54 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:31 >>47 i am always like this >>48 i love using broken english... the reason why is... i am not enable to talk in the proper way!
55 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:32 >>53 それ、俺も読んでて思った。 わざとかな?それともフランクな感じを演出してるのかも知れない
56 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:32 >>53 oh, are you brave enough to challenge Kanzaki? lol
57 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:33 >>53 (´・д・).。oO( kinda "literal translation"?)
58 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:33 >>46 that's sounds great. I have one friend from Nepal and he told me about it. it must be beautifull country. >>50 I think I do. in India any kind of things could be happen. everyday when i was in india, i got surprise to feel what is India.
59 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:34 >>56 ahhh..... you know I am the one who's making the kind of mistakes...
60 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:35 スルーしてもらっていいけど、 いっぺんここにいる人達が日本語でやりとりしてるところ見てみたい。 例えば、70くらいまで日本語で、超えたら英語に戻る・・みたいな。 では、おじゃましました。
61 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:36 >>52 you have been there also? how did you like it?
62 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:36 >>57 i don't really think so... but anything is alright as long as you can understand, anyway. >>58 i heard people who have been to india pop by nepal to have a rest because ppl are softer in nepal. i think india has too much of an impact. by the way, japan stands for 'jumping and pumping all night' i hate that... sounds stupid
63 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:37 >>61 that was perfect holiday. I know this sounds lame but let me say, time flows slow there. lol
64 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:37 >>60 別にいいよー でも普通だよ。 ちなみに他のスレッドにも顔出したりしてます。
65 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:38 >>60 違和感あるんだよ、それやるとw biscuitとは至って普通に話すけど
66 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:38 >>64 ほら、違和感ww
67 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:39 >>62 (´・д・).。oO(no i didn't mean it... i felt that "英文構造" seemed to be a kind of a literal translation...)
68 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:39 >>59 be proud... you are real good, you know anybody can practice their eng whenever they come here i love ppl who always try to improve themselvs
69 名前:60 :03/07/17 02:41 ありがとうございましたw 確かに、普通な感じだった。では、英語で続きお願いします。 thanks
70 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:42 >>68 thanks, I believe your words even though it is compliment or whatever. actually, I've bin thinkin' about going to Eng. conversation school.
71 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:42 >>67 alright, now i know what you meant >>64 what does your HN mean anyway?
72 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:43 >>69 you are very welcome. why don't you join us?
73 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:43 >>70 (´・д・).。oO("Go to Berliz")
74 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:44 >>73 so, what's the point? I mean.. how is it better than others?
75 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:44 >>74 (´・д・).。oO(it's just kiddin'... as usual, dude.)
76 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:45 >>75 geezzz, I found it difficult to tell whether you're kiddin' or not in ENG. lol
77 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:45 >>70 go to roppongi and try to make friends from overseas there... it's cheaper and more fun. i didn't think it's really worth going to language school i have been there but felt i wasted my parents' money since you can only talk with limited ppl there
78 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:46 >>76 (´・д・).。oO(if you can do it so, you'll be my man... LoL)
79 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:46 >>71 it's nice to ask me〜☆ it means my sweetie. my ex-boyfried there called me so.
80 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:48 >>77 yeah, I've heard that IS the best to master language. but... how will it be if the corp. I will work pay the money? lol >>78 now, you ARE kiddin' lol
81 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:48 >>79 sorry but let me ask you one thing.. have we ever talked in other threads??
82 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:49 >>79 you had a turkish boyfriend??? that's super coooooool. tell me more about it! aren't you guys together anymore?
83 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:49 >>80 (´・д・).。oO(so u'll be my dude, won't ya?)
84 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:49 >>72 I can't write English well But,I can read English!
85 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:50 actually yes. we talked about india in mata-ri threads i remember.
86 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 02:50 まーとにかく「起訴しないでください」と泣きついて二千万払ったこいつらの負け。 ・木村広明 − 父親は神主。読みはひろあきで間違い無いのですが表記が異なるかも。 ・沢登健二 − 千葉医大医学部入学後、取消し処分。千葉大医学部長を相手に提訴。父親は会社員。 ・大内啓嗣 − 柿澤啓嗣を名乗り琉球大医学部在学中だが処分も間近か?。父親は東京大学教授の大内尉義、母親は赤羽で大内皮膚科を経営。 ・美原玄 − 両親は離婚、本人は母方の姓を名乗る。新宿区大京町の輪姦マンションを提供。脳血管研究所付属美原記念病院の息子。 http://www.kakaa.or.jp/mihara/index.html ・高橋大祐 − 父親は弁護士。早稲田大学政経学部入学の未確認情報あり。ds
87 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:50 >>83 Nope! I am a dude for someone else. lol
88 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:51 >>87 (´・д・).。oO(i c...(´・ω・`))
89 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:51 >>84 you don't neet to write good English. even i can't. the thing is you wana join us or not. and i am glad that you do.
90 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:52 >>80 that's nice of the company. hmmm... but, i don't know. i just didn't find it fun to go there, actually
91 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:52 >>85 yeahhhhh, I remember you. and I said I wanna visit and see some famous ruins there. I recommended Indian food restaurant, didn't I?
92 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:53 (´・д・).。oO(Ecce Homo, I mean, whatever... >>84 )
93 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:54 >>87 whatever... lol
94 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:54 >>90 yeah, was just fooling around. I know which is more fun. the best way to learn language would be to have a partner of the natives, by the way.... hum.
95 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:56 >>all anywayzzz... i have an exam tomorrow so have gotta go now. it was great talking with you guys again. i will be here some time very soon. c ya
96 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:56 nice talkin to ya. c-ya >N. girl
97 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 02:57 >>95 (´・д・).。oO(Good Luck!!)
98 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:57 >>82 my ex-boyfriend was turkish guy. i met him when i wan in turkey. and the next spring he came to Japan. but we broke up because of distance. i thought being dating in a distance is more sad than breaking up. now i am dating a Japanse guy. but now he is in England. I am lonely again.......
99 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 02:57 nity nite! >>kanzaki
100 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:58 nice talking and seeing you, nasty girl.
101 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 02:58 >>98 what's he doin in england, if you don't mind?
102 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 02:59 >>101 well, i never mind. he do his internship there.
103 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:01 >>102 so, it's just for a month or a little more, isn't it? but... yeah, is it a last summer vacation as student, isnt it
104 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 03:01 >>98 (´・д・).。oO(I know that the long distance love seems to be tough. In my case, my ex was in France...)
105 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:01 BBL
106 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:02 >>91 yes, you did!! you told me one famouse indian restauran where you can get ラッシー (i do not know how to spell it.)
107 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 03:03 >>105 (´・д・).。oO(Banque Bruxelles Lambert? maybe I'm kinda financial crazy///)
108 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:05 >>103 that's right. i wana be with hime cos this year is the last summer as sutudents. actually he will take vacation next month and come back to japan for 2 week or so. we have lots of plan to do togethre.
109 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 03:07 >>98 i just came cack to talk to you... yeah... i REALLY know what you mean. but, i still think going out with the guy with a long distance is more appreciatable than being without him... i mean, better than living totally away from his life. whenever you are in trouble, sad, anything negative, he is always there for you. look, you can keep in touch with e-mails ,MSN, phone and stuff. it's no longer 18th century. keep on going, and you will be fine be strong and independent you can spare your time for something else by using the time you were supposed to use for him i strongly hope (and also am sure) you guys will be happy together we are talking ato e/o again, yeah? nice meeting you.
110 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:07 >>104 oh is it? yeah love in distance is very tough.
111 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/17 03:09 i think i was being a bit too excited... wrote hell a lot. anyway, time to go to bed.
112 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 03:09 >>110 (´・д・).。oO(whatever, may the toughness be with ya...)
113 名前:biscuit&&rlo; ◆TVAEeikooc :03/07/17 03:09 >>111 (´・д・).。oO(good night, have a beautiful dream.)
114 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:19 >>109 Hi again. and thanks your your words. i really understand what you mean, which means a lot to me. now i wana enjyo my time for me myself During my time i learn a lot and i can improb myself. and he does, too. I am sure that those would be good for our relationship.
115 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:19 >>106 Yeah, that was me. nice seein' you again. lol >>107 hey, ya being financial geek... hehe >>111 sleep tight. am also going to bed. see you, guys.
116 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:20 >>114 interesting... how did you learn eng,? you'd learnt it from ears, hadn't you?
117 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:22 >>111 you ARE excited, and i like that. but not too much. also, i really thank you. good night.
118 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:25 >>116 i do not know why you ask me. anyway i learned english at school for sevelal ears just as almost every stuednts do.
119 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:27 >>118 hum, I just felt that you are writing words according to the sounds in your mind.. like wana.. anywa, forget 'bout it, plz
120 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 03:27 太郎がシカトされてるw
121 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:29 >>120 ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
122 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:29 >>119 I see.
123 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:32 because i haven't used einglish for a long time, my english is broken sometimes and i may make some spelling mistake. sooooo, please pardon me.
124 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:35 >>123 hey, I've never mind typos. Never, since I am the one who make a heap of them. lol I was just envious of you if you were writing eng. following to sounds in your mind, as I do when I write Japanese, you know.
125 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:35 actually i am waiting for my boyfrined being online. but he seems not to be online for a wihle. anyway i am gona go. Nice talking to you again ,kanzaki. talk to you later.
126 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/17 03:35 >>125 Alright. was nice talking to you, ashkn! c-ya.
127 名前:ashkn :03/07/17 03:36 >>124 I see. Well, thanks you.
128 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/17 09:01 ◆ 山崎渉板ができました!(^^) ◆ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ( ^^ ) これからも僕を応援してくださいね(^^)・・・っと。 ( ^^ ) / ⌒i / \ | | / / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ | __(__ニつ/ 山崎 / .| .|____ \/ / (u ⊃ 山崎渉@2ch2掲示板(^^) http://bbs.2ch2.net/yamazaki/index2.html 山崎渉板(^^) http://www.bs1.net/noa/
129 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/07/18 00:53 anybody here?
130 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/18 20:43 「さよなら青い鳥」 http://www.geocities.co.jp/PowderRoom-Lavender/7709/blueb21b.html これを見て英語で感想を聞かせてくれ。
131 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/22 23:10 age
132 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/22 23:10 保守さげ
133 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/22 23:47 >>130 It is very fsntastic story!
134 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/22 23:48 hi, how are you? i am thank you
135 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 00:01 I gratueated from [GATINKO] BE-POP HI-SCHOOL
136 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 00:44 function StartSelect() for(i=0;i<=15;i++) { equipment[i]=EQarray[i]; select2=true; }
137 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 00:47 アメリカにも2chのようなものはあるのかな?
138 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 00:47 うんこ
139 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 14:21 最近帰国子女でも英検1級とるの難しいんだってね
140 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 18:56 i am so depressed.
141 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 18:57 >>140 Take it easy!
142 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 18:58 >>139 日常生活やビジネスで使わない単語がたくさん出てくるからな。 英検は意味ないよ。
143 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 19:12 i am a march
144 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/23 21:56 >>142 受からない香具師の負け犬の遠吠えですか(ぷ
145 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 02:21 sage
146 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 06:59 starving....starving....starving................. By the way (Japanese) はらぺこ → ぺごっぱ(Korean) ヴぇりぃinterestinguuu.
147 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 07:00 事実だろ
148 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 07:59 Yoshinoya's copy and paste please
149 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 08:24 Yellow people are ugly both inside and outside.
150 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 09:28 >>149 Fuck you out.
151 名前:Chelsea :03/07/24 16:22 Oh my gosh. I found it! I barely come here now because I quit doing Shuukatsu. Cheers!
152 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 19:50 i feel horny♪
153 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 19:59 cheersっていうのとchaoっていうのどっちがポピュラーなの?
154 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 20:06 ciaoな
155 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 20:38 ヒスパニック系はciao 親がネイティブEng speaker だと cheers
156 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 21:17 まあ最近はTOEICが主流だから、英検はあまり意味ないな。 会社でも英検をもとめているところはないし。
157 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 22:26 SEX
158 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 22:30 musterbation
159 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/24 22:48 SEX
160 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 01:59 >>156 馬鹿、英語本当にできる奴は英検1級なんて勉強せずとも受かるんだよ。 単語云々以前にな。 数千円の受験料払うだけでいいんだから、旨い話じゃないか。
161 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 02:23 >>160 いや単語は日常生活で使わないからわからないよ。 英語がわかっても長文全部解けるかは別。 日本人だって国語の点数でも満点とれないでしょ。
162 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 16:42 >>161 だからさー、要領いい奴は出題者の意図がわかるから、 個々の単語の意味云々以前に問題がとけるんだって。
163 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 17:26 >>162 そりゃまたとんでもない頭いい奴だな・・・。 いいから一度一級の問題みてみろ。
164 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 18:10 >>162 意図も何も単純に語彙を問う問題だから、 その単語を知っているか知らないかだけだよ。 しかもその単語は日常生活ではもちろん、新聞や雑誌にもほとんど 登場してこない単語だよ。
165 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 19:10 162ですが、試験勉強なしで英検1級に合格しましたが、なにか。
166 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:01 ほぉ、そりゃすごいぢゃん。 がんばってね。
167 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:06 英検とかTOEICじゃほんとうの英語力をはかれないし、 英語ができる人が海外で活躍できるわけでもないからな。 まあ日常会話ができれば十分だよ。
168 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:06 英検1級なんて楽勝だろ。
169 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:08 >>167 そうは思えないぽw
170 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:10 >>169 英語ができる人が外国で仕事ができるということ?
171 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:10 >>170 日常会話じゃだめぽ
172 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:12 >>171 日常会話でいいじゃん。 必要なときだけ、英語ができる人間を使えばいいじゃん。
173 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:13 化学?
174 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:14 10年後の就職・転職事情 正直、英語できない人はいりません
175 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:14 >>172 必要なときだけ英語が使える人材持ってくるのめんどいぽ 日常で出来ないとだめぽ 職場によるけど
176 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:15 職種による
177 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:16 >>176 (σ・∀・)σソレダ
178 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:17 英語嫌いだし鎖国しようぜ
179 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:27 >>175 もちろん職場による。 たとえば年数度外国の会社と商談をまとめる程度なら そのときだけ通訳を雇うなどしたほうが効率がいい。 英語だけしかできない無能な人間を雇うのは非効率だからな。
180 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:29 SEX
181 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:29 >>179 そりゃそうぽ でも英語ぐらいできれという感じをひしひし感じる今日この頃
182 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:30 SEX
183 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:31 俺が結論出してやるよ ジェネラリストに英語は必須 プロフェッショナルは出来たほうがベター、出来なくてもプロとしての需要があればOK
184 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:32 俺が結論出してやるよ SEX
185 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:34 >>183 今のリーマンの大半はゼネラリストだけど、必須ではないだろ。 むしろ使わないほうが多い。
186 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:34 >>185 SEX?
187 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:34 >>185 稼ぎたければ、の話ね。
188 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:35 英語使う職場の人いるー?
189 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:37 Don't speak Japanese!
190 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:38 SEX ONLY
191 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:39 >>189 別にいいじゃん
192 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:39 >>189 sorry, is anyone here who is expected to use Eng?
193 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:39 >>191 YEAH!
194 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:40 >>191 うん。 やっぱり日本語が一番やな。
195 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:40 >>189 sorry大臣
196 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:40 >>194 喋れないだけだろ。
197 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:41 >>194 しゃぶれないだけだろ。
198 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:42 けっきょく英語使う必要のある人はいないってことかい。 ちぇー
199 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:43 >>192 読み書きはするけど話すことはそんなにないと思うな
200 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:46 >>199 そかぁ、私は大学までそうだったから今ちょっと緊張してるーよ
201 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:49 英語使う必要ない人っているの?
202 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:51 >>201 いっぱいいるだろ。 イチローだって英語ができなくてもアメリカで活躍できるじゃん。
203 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:51 ヴァギナ
204 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:52 >>202 イチロー英語できるよ・・・
205 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:53 PENIS
206 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 21:56 >>204 できなくても活躍できるだろ。 それにイチローは日常会話程度しかできん。 長谷川レベルならできると言ってもいいが。
207 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/25 23:29 i love hymen
208 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 00:14 OK, so where do you guys wanna go in summer vacation?
209 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 01:27 home
210 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 01:28 i love tiny tits
211 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 01:44 >>208 I`m going to go USJ theme park.
212 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 01:47 you guyz って言えばいいと思ってねえか
213 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 01:49 >>208 Everywhere, as possible. This is going to be the last long long summer break.
214 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 02:13 there is no such thing as summer vacation...
215 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 02:16 time is dying. we must know it.
216 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 03:55 there is nowhere i really want to go. i just want to have a peaceful life.
217 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 15:57 英検よりTOEICのほうが実力反映しない。 問題簡単すぎ。 900点代とれる奴は、後は集中力と要領が950以上とれるポイントになる。 それも実力のうちの一つかもしれんが、少なくとも英語力の話じゃない。
218 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 16:37 SEX
219 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 19:57 i'm staffed
220 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 20:00 >>217 でも今は英検よりもTOEICのほうが人気あるからね。 俺は今までずっと英検派だったんだけど、今度TOEICも受けてみるつもり。
221 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 20:00 fuck me
222 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 20:02 fuck you!
223 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 20:03 yeah!!
224 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:13 TOEICなんて別に英語できない奴でも 英語学校行ってちょっと練習すりゃ すぐに100点やそこら上がるじゃん。 あんなのインチキだな。
225 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:14 Oi, omaera eigo de kaiwasiroyo. Tinamini ore ha TOEIC 980 ten. Eigo perapera.
226 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:17 Is >>225 Spanish?
227 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:17 私の会社では英語できないのはマイナスだけど・・・
228 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:18 English skill is not special. Just language. Just enjoy it.
229 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:23 >>224 I think that's simply because English is just language,which is same as Japanse. English itself, NOT difficult at all. Difficult point is taking time for practice English.
230 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:25 日本はなんでこんなに語学ダメなのかね?
231 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:27 教育が徹底してないからだろ
232 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:29 つかう必要もねーし。
233 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:30 英語は少なくとも小学生からやった方がいいね でも20代ならまだ間に合うと思うけど
234 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:34 日本では英語を使う必要が無い。 通訳でも雇ったらヨロシ
235 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:35 英語を使って楽しめる環境を作らないと無理だろう 勉強としてやるから離れる
236 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:35 Hiring interpreter is expensive...
237 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:36 簡単に通訳雇えばいいっていうけど、仕事の専門的な話を外部の通訳が誤解なく 双方に訳をできる通訳ってなかなかいないよ。
238 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:37 interpreters make too much mistakes when dealing with technical terms
239 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:37 日本語変になった
240 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:38 ドキュメントの翻訳なんかも、翻訳家に頼んでも、 結局最終的な構成は社内の人間がやるし
241 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:38 American top executives in Japan usually retain their own interpreters
242 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:38 構成→校正
243 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:39 早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eEは口ばっかり 英語はしゃべれない
244 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:39 英語くらいはやっておいた方がいいよ
245 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:40 fuck interpreters!
246 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:40 >>244 you too, babe
247 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:41 そうだね、ネイティブのようにペラペラは無理だね でも仕事ではつかってるね
249 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:42 FUCK is beautiful
250 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/26 23:43 私も会社に入ってから英語の必要性に気づいた一人だからね 英語はやったほうがいいよ
251 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:43 seeing is believing.
252 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:43 TOO much Fuk!!!
253 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:43 百聞は一見にしかず
255 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:47 i need to see shrink
256 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:50 早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE 英語よりおなってくれ http://human.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/wom/1058708681/
257 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:51 you mother fucker to to hell
258 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:52 you mother fucker GO to hell
259 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:52 just fuck it
260 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:53 もうダメェ、イっちゃうー、って英語でなんて言うの?
261 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:57 hey, hey, i'm coming, i'm coming, baby!!!
262 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/26 23:59 Japanese: GO English: COME This is a beautiful cultural difference.
263 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 00:01 do you have any other questions?
264 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 00:02 i'm tied and go sleep now
265 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 00:03 i'm TIRED and go sleep now tired, indeed.
266 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 00:11 sleeping is a key to health
267 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 00:21 手コキとかパイズリとかはなんて言うの?
268 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 00:42 >>237 いるよ。 誤解があればそれを調整するのが通訳を使う人間の役目。
269 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:07 anyone who wish to join the musterbation club.
270 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:09 >>268 why you son of a bitch does not write english?
271 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:15 >>267 you needa watch STAND BY ME and listen to their conversation very carefully
272 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:15 >>270 hey, dont say such a words to her.
273 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:36 anyone here? I need to kill time.
274 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:40 why? can't you sleep?
275 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:41 No. I slept enough yet. Nothing to do in the middle of night.
276 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:43 KILL? tu-ho-simasuta.
277 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:44 then, will you go to other "ITA" of 2ch? maybe you can enjoy them.
278 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:45 funny, yeah. I ever killed too many stuffs.
279 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:49 NORI-TSUKKOMI?
280 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:56 >>272 her? why you know it is her? i said a SOB, not a bitch
281 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:58 make no fuss
282 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 01:58 babe, show me your cunt or kiss my dick you have a choice
283 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:06 you punks dead
284 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:06 so what?
285 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:08 all I want to say is are you getting better?
286 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:08 >>277 what's ITA?
287 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:09 >>285 Nope
288 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:09 gimme porn movies
289 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:11 >>275 you can get a halcion you may take it yourself or give it to her to fuck it is your choice
290 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:12 >>288 surf internet it is everywhere
291 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:12 sizzor-hands starting. go watch.
292 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:13 >>287 hang on there (I have no idea to help you)
293 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:13 >>289 where can I get that?
294 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:13 >>281 what do you mean?
295 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:14 >>293 you go see shrink
296 名前:早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE :03/07/27 02:14 昨日はアメリ、今日は17歳のカルテを見た 複雑ね
297 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:15 >>296 not that complicated is your life.
298 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:15 >>291 you have no good taste. i hate that girl
299 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:16 >>296 hey babe, welcome back kiss my dick now
300 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:16 >>298 girl? she's not my interest. Depp is all about the film.
301 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:17 i hate depp too he is ugly
302 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:18 >>301 least than you. haha!!
303 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:18 hey, watch NHK. Yosui is the best.
304 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:18 早慶Girl ◆DlZ.ig94eE, show me your pussy or write english. it is your choice!
305 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:19 >>302 least than? you graduated high schol?
306 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:20 you stupid mother fuckers shut up
307 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:21 which musicians do you like?
308 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:21 oh, scissorhands! Bye!
309 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:22 >>307 association of shouting poets
310 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:22 go to hell
311 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:23 >>310 you go first, kekeke!!!!
312 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:24 >>309 haha I haven't heard that name for long time.
313 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:25 >>311 you stupid little yellow guy shut up
314 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:26 >>309 what is association of shouting poets?
315 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:26 >>313 keep quiet 'n suck ya cock.
316 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:27 >>315 i have no cock. i am a girl.
317 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:27 >>314 do you know the man Dorian Sukegawa?
318 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:28 >>317 no.
319 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:29 who is that?
320 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:29 >>316 boooo, then, you suck my cock.
321 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:30 >>320 i never suck a dirty cock
322 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:30 old movies look always cheap. Latest ones, either.
323 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:31 mmm... I cannot explain him well.sorry. will you search about him on web?
324 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:31 おまえら、日本人なら言いたいことは日本語で言え。
325 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:31 >>321 No no no. I washed that twice in an hour. C'mon!!!!!! I am ready.
326 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:32 >>324 shut da fuck outa here
327 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:32 World 2ch http://world2ch.net/world2ch.html
328 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:33 >>325 no. your cock is as small as five year old's. i like a real cock.
329 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:34 目的もなく単に英語で書くのは、馬鹿げてると思わないのか! 恥をしれよ!
330 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:34 >>328 ya know what? mine is just as that of horse's.
331 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:34 >>329 shut da fuck off
332 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:34 practicing
333 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:35 おまえらの目的はなんだ!
334 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:35 >>330 you dirty animal shut up
335 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:37 剣は折れた、だが私は折れた剣の端を持ってあくまで闘うつもりだ!
336 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:37 what should we talk about?
337 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:37 >>334 No. I love being served sexially. that's it.
338 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:38 >>336 'bout your life, ok?
339 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:38 >>337 then get your mother to fuck you
340 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:38 過去は変えることはできないが 未来はどうにかすることができる
341 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:39 >>339 my mom left me when I was 8.
342 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:39 so whta?
343 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:39 糞スレダ
344 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:39 >>343 you are on the top of it.
345 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:39 ore eigo hanasen node ro-maji de kaitemo ii desuka?
346 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:40 >>338 about what of my life? I think it's very personal thing, so it's not interesting.
347 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:40 >>341 get your sister, teacher, girlfriend, anyone i have no obligation to ya
348 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:40 >>340 過去に目を閉ざすものは、未来を見れない
349 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:41 >>346 well then present any other topic.
350 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:41 dousenara,romazidekake!
351 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:41 >>347 please, please, I can't wait.
352 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:42 i am depressed
353 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:42 こんな糞スレが消えてくれることを心から望んでいます。 こんな糞スレが消えてくれることを心から望んでいます。 こんな糞スレが消えてくれることを心から望んでいます。 こんな糞スレが消えてくれることを心から望んでいます。 こんな糞スレが消えてくれることを心から望んでいます。 こんな糞スレが消えてくれることを心から望んでいます。
354 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:42 >>352 how come?
355 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:42 >>351 you go bathroom and pee
356 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:43 >>353 そうだな。
357 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:43 >>353 Get your mind cooled down. You gonna love this.
358 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:44 i guess i am leaving now
359 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:45 >>358 no one stops you, just go away
360 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 02:45 see ya later guys
361 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:04 hi there
362 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:05 good mornin
363 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:16 osikko ittekimasu
364 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:17 みんな 略や俗な単語を書けばかっこいいと思ってるのね
365 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:27 Take me down To the paradise city Where the grass is green And the girls are pretty Take me home
366 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:29 >>365 Gun's好き?
367 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:30 Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer
368 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:31 >>367 FF好き?
369 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:31 And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world
370 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:32 >>369 Elton John好き?
371 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:32 日曜の朝から自演お疲れ様です
372 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:32 It's a little bit funny
373 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:33 This feeling inside,
374 名前:365,367.369 :03/07/27 05:34 自演じゃないぽ 驚いてる よく出典分かったね
375 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:38 >>374 太郎だと思う、奴は洋楽キティーだから。
376 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:46 why on earth people are already here at this time? it is still before 6am!
377 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 05:47 Good morning.
378 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:48 Whatever happens, I love you.
379 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:48 i was unable to sleep too much coffee too much anxiety
380 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 05:49 >>379 私の知らない単語を2つも書かないでくれw
381 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:50 it is gonna be fine today
382 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:50 >>380 which one you did not know?
383 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:52 Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way. Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for soemone or something to show you the way.
384 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:52 blue sky makes me sad
385 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 05:53 >>382 I didn't understand word are "unable" and "anxiety". Sorry, I can't read English well.
386 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:53 any plans for today?
387 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 05:55 >>386 I am in a house all the time.
388 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:55 >>385 "unable" is equivalent to "cannot" "anxiety" is equivalent to "worry"
389 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:55 >>385 you didn't understand the words, that are "unable" and "anxiety", you'd better study English harder than before.
390 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:55 安西先生、バスケがしたいです。
391 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:56 do not blame japanese people it is not their fault
392 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 05:56 >>388 Thank you for teaching me. I understood.
393 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:56 okay you can play basketball as you want
394 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:57 so, what's the hell goin' on here?
395 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:57 Chev brakes are snarling as you stumble across the road But the day breaks instead so you hurry home Don't let the sun blast your shadow Don't let the milk float ride your mind They're so natural - religiously unkind
396 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:58 I'm not the only one
397 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:58 >>395 David Bowie好きなの?
398 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 05:58 >>393 I like baseball. My position is second base.
399 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:59 I miss the comfort in being sad
400 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:59 >>394 people wants talk
401 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:59 sadness is pain
402 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 05:59 >>400 whom are you want to talk?
403 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:00 >>402 to myself (w
404 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/07/27 06:00 I took 965 points by TOEIC five years ago. However, it declined now.
405 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:00 ah... fuck!
406 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:01 >>404 you're liar, bustered!
407 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:01 >>404 your score is lower than mine
408 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:03 >>406 do not take it serious
409 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:04 >>408 he is the very liar, i know.(w
410 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:05 TOEIC score 970 does not make me happy it does not please anybody either and i feel so stupid what a mess
411 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:06 >>410 you idiot!
412 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:07 liar is kitty kitty is cute play with cute babes cute babes give you some comfort to your life
413 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:09 >>411 thanks not your business go to bed now, child
414 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:09 did you alredy pee, by the way?
415 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:10 >>413 lick my ass, babe.
416 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:11 >>415 STOP i am tired of it
417 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:13 >>416 gocha
418 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:14 gimme a fresh start for a new day, huh?
419 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 06:17 could be nice.
420 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/27 10:45 age.
421 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 11:51 SEX
422 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 11:55 35、恋しくて
423 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 19:23 i need better dance musik
424 名前:Chelsea :03/07/27 20:01 My eyes are tired and I feel sleepy. But I can't sleep. So I boiled water and cooked cheap pasta. I'm waiting for the parcel. It might arrive on Monday. I'm afraid again. I hate to see these papers with pink highlight. I don't want to be disturbed.
425 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/27 20:04 whats in the parcel?
426 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/27 20:09 yo wassup? I'm tired to be whipped up a bit.
427 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/27 20:11 nothin much. you gotta keep ya own beats.
428 名前:Chelsea :03/07/27 20:12 >>425 Nothing important. Just something I ordered online.
429 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/27 20:14 >>428 Just something, but the contents is what you hate to see... hum? but ok, we are not talking about it.
430 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/27 20:14 >>427 Thx. >>428 hey Chelsea, it's a long time no see.
431 名前:Chelsea :03/07/27 20:28 >>429 No, I'm looking forward to see the contents really. What I don't want to see is something else. Anyway, it's nothing. >>430 Hi. yeah, I was away from this board for a while. and this thread was gone too.
432 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/27 22:25 i think this thread must be proceeded in depth of the threads because of the writers(warai).
433 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/27 23:21 >>432 writerS? doesnt matter, if you prefer so, though.
434 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/27 23:51 hot... wonder if my PCs gonna be ok.
435 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 02:34 no... it is a cold summer
436 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 02:40 yeah i keep losing weight
437 名前:帝京 :03/07/28 02:55 wata are you thinking about?
438 名前:帝京 :03/07/28 02:55 i wanna come by eiken 1kyuu.
439 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 03:33 ???
440 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 03:42 i have a dream
441 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 04:06 71 名前:とある :03/07/25 22:12 ID:???最強紳士 名前欄を外側に出す方法 好きな言葉&&rrlo;好きな言葉を反対に書く&&rlro; これで可能だ。 余談だが最後の&&rlro;を消すと日付やIDが逆さまになる。 2ちゃんで使える裏ワザが次々に公開! これ以外にも様々なテクが紹介されてるので、これを逃す手は無いぞ! http://comic.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/csaloon/1059322343/
442 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 04:11 say hello to Waseda's rape evil spirits
443 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 17:33 Waseda is equal to Martch
444 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 17:33 イコールじゃないよ
445 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 17:43 >>444 早稲田とマーチと駅弁は同じだろ。
446 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 17:50 Very TIREDOOOOO!!
447 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 19:27 会社の人事課がどう思ってるかだろ
448 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 20:58 Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
449 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 22:24 dont you have anything to talk? whata boring people...
450 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 22:29 seems you, neither, haha!! ....sorry :)
451 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:05 BORED>>>
452 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:06 BALD>>>
453 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:07 Suck my dick!
454 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:07 >>452 (´・д・).。oO(what you say?)
455 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:07 >>452 are you hage?
456 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:10 そうはいかんざき
457 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:11 神崎はカツラ
458 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:12 神崎は入れ歯
459 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:15 >>457 >>458 I love ya agitations! :)
460 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:16 >>459 I knew it !!
461 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:17 >>460 who the heck are ya? w
462 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:19 >>461 Don't call me heck. w シツレイネー
463 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:21 >>462 Don't keep hiding. w
464 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:23 >>463 Oh, come on! I love センプーク♥
465 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:24 >>464 (´・д・).。oO(cant help but laugh out loud!)
466 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:25 shall I call 119 for ya?
467 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:26 >>466 (´・д・).。oO(me? no! kiddin'!)
468 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:28 ┐(´∇`)┌ Before your doctor had yo stay with you so that you would not drink or smoke.
469 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:28 >>467 Oh, didn't mean it, but.... yeah! I may call two ambulances, yes. w
470 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:29 I already called. Youre gonna hear the siren soon.
471 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:30 >>468 (´・д・).。oO(Gocha!) >>469 (´・д・).。oO(Maybe we need three, don't we? w)
472 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:31 >>469 Oh you mean you gonna call one for me? w Get in it instead of me! Go ahad!
473 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:32 >>470 Oh did you? Thanks! That will be so------ great!
474 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:32 >>471 >>472 what the fuck y'all talkin about? one ambl. for a センプクバカ, the another for an alcoholic.
475 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:33 >>470 >>473 next is ジエン? geezz, am sure you are sick.
476 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:34 Is anybodyelse there believing god? I let tell you. GOD is dead! Hail Satan
477 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:35 >>474 (´・д・).。oO(the last one is for ya, 2-channel addicted!)
478 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:35 Hello, I'm newcomer. May I join it?
479 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:35 >>478 (´・д・).。oO(Sure, why not?)
480 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:35 >>475 No, No, No. YOU are ジエンヴァカ ( ´,_ゝ`) I can't wat the ambl for you,
481 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/28 23:36 >>478 Sure!
482 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:36 >>477 Nope, I got recovered from it. I come here only 5 hrs. a day! mm? too much? dont say that.
483 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:36 >>478 hell yes!
484 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:38 >>480 dont know how many ppl are here.... but I guess it doesnt matter, since you guys play mutlti roles. プ
485 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:38 >>482 (´・д・).。oO(huh? me too, besides i should write the book. :-[))
486 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:41 >>485 Oppssss! you remembered me of the research schedule I gotta make up.... utsu.
487 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:42 >>486 (´・д・).。oO(just do it, after that, you'll be fine. that's what i'm sure.w)
488 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:43 >>487 ya right... I know that. and Im sure you know why I haven't done it yet, don't you? w addiction is aiways scaring.
489 名前:レイ ◆N0gHIICREY :03/07/28 23:43 >>484 I don't know either. 4 or 5 hopefully w >>485 Yeah, take good care. I swim 3 or 3.5 km a day. I hope it'll make my body younger. w >>486 I am HIMAJIN (ノ´∀`*) Be jealous!
490 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:45 >>489 you WERE hell of tooooo much hopeful, I guess. w Don't be lazy, Rey. You gonna add your weight. :-P
491 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:45 >>488 (´・д・).。oO(that is a HUMAN nature! I know.) >>489 (´・д・).。oO(Someday you'll be. but now i dunno. w)
492 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:46 >>490 (´・д・).。oO(ya too, hehe)
493 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:47 >>492 geezz, I long for adding up some weigths on me. :P
494 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:48 >>493 (´・д・).。oO(EAT ME! it's the fastest way to get fatty. hehe)
495 名前:レイ ◆N0gHIICREY :03/07/28 23:48 >>490 You too!! But don't worry about my shape, I'm sexy old woman, really. w >>491 (´・д・`)
496 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:50 >>495 (´・д・).。oO(Hope your mango's ripe. hehe)
497 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:50 >>494 well..... sorry, you don't look very delicious... :P >>495 wonder what the hell this monster is talkin about... ナンノコトヤラ┐(´∇`)┌ :-P
498 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:52 >>497 (´・д・).。oO(you never ever tried my sweeties. then what do ya know about me? LoL)
499 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:53 >>498 errr, just imagined. but somehow, I'm sure I imagine right. LOL
500 名前:レイ ◆N0gHIICREY :03/07/28 23:54 >>496 mango bath is the best!! >>497 オッサン! I am sleepy cos I'm young(I wish), see ya you two.(´ー`)ノシ
501 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/28 23:55 >>500 Sleep tight. :-)
502 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/28 23:56 >>499 (´・д・).。oO(suppose ya wanna throw up, dont ya?) >>500 (´・д・).。oO(Dream a little dream of me. buona notte.)
503 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 00:35 so you guys are 2ch addicted? whats your favorite boards besides this one?
504 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 00:39 ウンコスレ
505 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 00:51 I never written on any other boards, aprart from this one. just reading some other ones.
506 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 00:56 do you have any plans to go to festivals of fire works?
507 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 00:59 >>505 why not writtin on others? i often feel like to write something when i read on threads.
508 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 01:13 >>506 Not yet, but I am sure I will. >>507 just becuz ppl on other threads reply very slowly.. I started 2ch from this board, and it was mistake, I suppose. w
509 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 01:28 Hey guys,just shut a fuck up(^^) you only have to fucyourself(略)
510 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 01:29 no idea wut ya talkin bout (^)
511 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 01:34 what you gonna do next year?
512 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 01:37 next year? I just gonna work for a company. dont ask what the comp. is, plz. apart from this, I dont know. I mean, I wanna have time to spend for what I wanna do, playing and listening to music, enjoying outdoor stuffs and watching movies, and etc... but still dont know how much free time I may have.
513 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 01:46 sounds too typical but everyone is about same probablly once after college life
514 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 01:47 I want to make love very much.
515 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:03 >>513 errrr, so what did you expect? in other words, what are you gonna do next year?
516 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:03 >>514 Go find your partner! :-)
517 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:11 >>515 about same as you do its time to make money just to make money for life
518 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:11 when you plan to get married?
519 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:12 めんどくさいから35歳くらいでいい
520 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:14 >>517 yeah, I wish to launch my own comp. at least by 45 y.o. and would make money enough to enjoy all the life after. >>518 maybe, 35 or sooner. how bout you?
521 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:17 神崎の名前の由来はなんなの? 創価学会の信者?
522 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:20 >>521 I have ever been said that before. But I have no idea what a connection exists between Kanzaki and the association... 名前の由来はとくにないなあ。適当に思いついたの入れただけ。 元々、こんなに長続きさせる予定のコテじゃなかったから・・・
523 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:21 ほ〜
524 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:25 many guys end up getting married around 30 cauz girls want to get married before 30
525 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:26 >>522 why you thought you wanna have a fixed HN?
526 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:27 starting up a comp at year 45 may be too old
527 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:28 >>524 haha... yeah, actually marriage is a kind of ENDING-UP, I might say. but isn't it a start-up from another aspect? I dont know what its like, but I am not pesssimistic about it.
528 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:31 >>525 I dont know. Maybe I was just fed up with being No-name(nanashi). it wasnt recognized, ya know. >>526 I dont think so. my plan is to start up my comp. in my 40's and retire in 50's. will make money enough to enjoy the left life.
529 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:36 nanashi is good you are recognized all the times in the real world
530 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:37 start up? ah i dont know maybe i marry a couple of times
531 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:39 >>529 right, absolutely right. so, I might say that I just wanted to be recognized even though this is virtual world. some might say its a beginning of net addiction, and I agree with that. But ....no, I am too drunk to present my thoughts appropreately in english.. hehhe.. :P
532 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:40 i am tired of being recognized and making fake smiles
533 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:41 >>532 Whoa! you didnt have to do that. why did you have to make fake smiles? If that's required, you just had an option not to come here.
534 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:45 no i mean you are required to make fake smile in the real world thats not something i wanna do here
535 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:47 i need to finish something tonite so i leave now see ya later
536 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:48 >>534 ahh... got what you meant. but.. I think its not good to come here becuz you dont like what the real world is. what you need to do in real world is what you need to do in virtual world, isn't it? but yeah, I agree with that we can be the very ourselves on the internet, but it is just a kind of moratorium, I suppoese.
537 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 02:49 wow, I am making tons of typos, but plz dont care bout em. ya know, I am drunk.
538 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:56 no one cares bout typos here you are semi-nanashi dont worry bout it
539 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:57 hey.. i am losing my concentration shit
540 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:58 again
541 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 02:59 tired wanna go to sleep
542 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 03:00 someone plz gimme tips to keep concentration?
543 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 03:00 no one here
544 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 03:03 >>542 get your PC offline. and shut the door to your room. No sound. thats it.
545 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 03:04 well... I think I drank enough to sleep. see you guyz. later.
546 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 03:04 hey kanzaki you are god but i work on pc so i cannot help
547 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 03:05 >>546 LOL I didnt catch ya. but I feel so funny. I musta drunk too much hehe.
548 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 03:07 ah offline okay but internet is so handy anytime to gather info
549 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 03:09 >>548 alright, I got you. do u use any of 2ch browsers? if so, uninstall it. 2ch is absolutely a kind of distractions, when you tryta concentrate on something, I suppose.
550 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 03:10 I guess I am talkin to myself in this DRUNK state. hehehe
551 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 03:11 I gotta go to bed before revealing myself ugly... see you!
552 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/29 06:05 mornin', guys >kanz when u start your co., just call me, i'll be your supporter... just tryta send a BP to me.
553 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 06:15 BPってなんですか?
554 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/29 06:18 >>553 it means "Biz Plan."
555 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 06:20 ども
556 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/29 06:21 >>555 no prob.
557 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 10:39 sex
558 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 11:15 sex
559 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/29 15:11 >>549 do you use 2ch browsers?
560 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/29 21:45 >>559 Too late to reply, I guess, but... Yep, I've been using Live2ch.
561 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 03:30 >>560 is it good? im thinking about having one. but there are so many kinds of them and i dont really know the difference.
562 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/30 07:16 >>561 sorry for interrupting ya but u can find the info at ttp://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Sunnyvale/7562/
563 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 10:16 SEX
564 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 16:48 >>562 thanks for the info. but there so many kinds of functions and i still do not know the difference. seems you guys are pretty professional about 2ch viewers.
565 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 16:50 >>562 do you also use a 2ch viewer? if so, can you pls tell which one it is? maybe i should pick up the one which is most popular in this thread.
566 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/30 18:33 me? i used to use Live2ch... but i stopped using 2ch viewer. just pay attention to 2ch addiction. hehe
567 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 20:15 >>566 ah... live2ch seems popular here. by the way, did you get the "cooKIE" portion of your name by coincidence?
568 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 20:32 Honestly, I want to hear things about 2ch browser in detail in Japanese. URL of >>562 is not clear to me.
569 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 21:02 >>568 why not in english?
570 名前:好きな言葉&rlo;好きな言葉を反対に書く&lro; :03/07/30 21:03 〜名前を外側に出す方法〜 好きな言葉&&rrlo;好きな言葉を反対に書く&&rlro; これで可能だ。 2ちゃんで使える裏ワザが次々に公開! これ以外にも様々なテクが紹介されてるので、これを逃す手は無いぞ! http://science.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/future/1059322332/l50
571 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/30 23:18 >>568 that one is in Japanese.
572 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/31 02:53 >>561 Yeah, thats very good to use, actually. I have used another 2ch browser, ever, but Live2ch is far much better than that. it might also be the fact that once you are accustomed to it, it won't really matter, though...
573 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/31 06:38 what is the most convenient aspect to use the 2ch browser?
574 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/31 09:39 where is "god10ch"? he s not in japan?
575 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/31 11:24 >>573 You don't have to open windows, but just one and you can see the thread lists and its contents in frames. You would feel more comfortable to talk, with the browser than with IE, I guess. >>574 sorry, but I dont know. I've not seen him for quite a while.
576 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/31 11:39 Yes,sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
577 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/31 11:42 yes for what? w
578 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/07/31 22:59 >>575 thanks for the info. i may actually try one in due course, it wont cost too much anyway.
579 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/31 23:00 >>578 if you are an beginner, just tryta OpenJanedoe, could be nice...suppose
580 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/31 23:05 how is it better than the one Ive been using, if in any points? >biscuit
581 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/31 23:08 >>580 suppose it's much more harmless than Live2ch, coz writing/reloading processes of it are so bore. :-p
582 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/31 23:10 ha-ha, I think I got what you mean. Live2ch might be quite a heavy for CPU... actually, my PC sometimes freezes right after I write something...
583 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/31 23:14 >>582 nope, what i wanna mean is, live2ch has a psychological impact... i.e. it may accelerate 2ch addiction...
584 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/07/31 23:16 pukus( ´_ゝ`) Sadly, I do understand. (・A・)
585 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/07/31 23:17 >>584 obviously you do. pksw
586 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/01 01:09 総計ガールは来ないのか・・・
587 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/01 11:59 >>586 miss-dropping?
588 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/01 19:00 >>584 >>585 pukusとかpkswって何?
589 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/08/01 19:01 sate
590 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/01 19:07 >>589 Now と言え
591 名前:悠 ◆Q3SnPij1og :03/08/01 19:07 Let me seeでしょうね。
592 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/01 19:11 >>591 そもそもおまいがどうゆう意図で言ってるのかはわからん。 おまいがそういうのならそうだろう。
593 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/01 19:11 ただのアホだろ
594 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/01 19:12 そうだな。
595 名前:ぼるじょあ ◆ySd1dMH5Gk :03/08/02 02:59 ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ピュ.ー ( ・3・) ( ^^ ) <これからも僕たちを応援して下さいね(^^)。 =〔~∪ ̄ ̄ ̄∪ ̄ ̄〕 = ◎――――――◎ 山崎渉&ぼるじょあ
596 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 09:23 このスレはROMの人が結構多いのでつか? 日本語になるとにわか元気になる人がいるけど
597 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 09:45 うんこ
598 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 09:49 HIHI FRDS WE WUD LIKE TO B/S EUR 10MIO AG USD FOR TN PLS.
599 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 09:55 Hi Hi, friends. We would like to buy/sell EUR10 ?? against USD for ten please.
600 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 11:02 Hi, how many times did you fuck last night ?
601 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 11:19 MIO=MILLION
602 名前:HUH? :03/08/02 15:50 >>557 >>558 >>563 U LOVE IT HUH? H U H?
603 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/02 16:46 YOU TOO, EH??? E H ?
604 名前:HUH? :03/08/02 21:44 eeu eeu eeu eeu wan some wee*? yeh u do huh?
605 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/03 08:08 MIOでMillionって初めて見た MILじゃないの?
606 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/03 20:28 (´・д・).。oO(普通はMil.だな)
607 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/03 21:41 金融関係の人はよくmioって書く人いるよ
608 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/03 21:41 >>607 (´・д・).。oO(表現としてはどちらも正しいらしいっす、すんまそ)
609 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/03 21:43 (´・д・).。oO(でさらに追記すると、mioはEUの統計情報から発生したらしい)
610 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 00:26 Hi,how have you been? Have you been to the sea in this summer? I'll go there in this week.
611 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/04 00:28 >>610 (´・д・).。oO(have a lot of fun there. i've been to the beach near my home twice...)
612 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/04 03:47 >>610 yes, man. I went somewhere in Izu just a couple of days before. temp. is getting hot, hope you will enjoy it. :-)
613 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 04:51 i am awake and starved.
614 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 04:52 hungry...
615 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/04 05:49 me, too... gonna go to refg. to grab something.
616 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 09:18 i am starving...
617 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 13:26 Fuck'in hot !!!
618 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 14:27 fucking niggas
619 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 15:11 I'm crazy about tits fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
620 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 18:57 今すぐ会いたいの。ひろみはあなたなしじゃもうだめみたい。 私、ここにいるから・・・・・探しに来て、くれる? 7日間会費フリー、10分間無料になってるの、だからきて。 あなたに会えなくちゃ、寂しくて死んじゃいそうだから 待ってます。きてくださいね! →→→http://www.gals-cafe.com
621 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/04 19:41 fucking hot? indeed.
622 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/04 19:42 (´・д・).。oO(It's too damn hot!)
623 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/05 23:38 who is the "山崎渉"? I see her/him everywhere. Is s/he the fixed handle name of one BBS?
624 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/05 23:41 >>623 (´・д・).。oO(he is a kind of "arashi", so never mind,)
625 名前:apen :03/08/06 10:27 whazzup greeting to yall I'm a student in the US and about to graduate. I'ma start working in April in Japan so get along and speak japanese-english. It'll be so dull hanging around in here also doing 2ch like this, may wanna go back to Japan right away...
626 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/06 12:35 why didnt you find a job there? if I had been in your place, I wouldve done so. :P
627 名前:apen :03/08/06 14:06 what do you mean? I've worked more than enough and wanna definitely work in japan as a shinsotsu. i'll learn a lot more up there. i guess you don't like your workplace, but then... ok... if that's the case with me too, i'll just come back to US.
628 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/06 14:07 >>627 (´・д・).。oO(how come? i cant figure ur logic out...)
629 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/06 14:08 職場が嫌だからアメリカに戻るの?
630 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/06 14:28 LoL To be honest, I dont know what its like to work in Japan, nor in U.S. I just compared working for Japanese corp. and for westerns'... Anyway, what do you hate about working up there?
631 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/06 14:47 nensho kei nensho kei amino siki
632 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/06 14:48 >>631 (´・д・).。oO(gonna get fat...)
633 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/06 18:44 >>630 i kindaof understand what he means. it's difficult for japanese to work at pure american company in the u.s. that's like an american work at pure japanese company in japan.
634 名前:apen :03/08/07 12:58 >>633 yeah that too, even most American-Asian say stuff like that somewhat. >>630 but I didn't say I hated it. I said I'd learn a lot in Japan. I love working here right now as an intern, been always like all exciting. And I thought you've been working for a while from what u said in >>626 , haven't you? In case it's a mistake, u may wanna use 'kateihou genzai' instead if u haven't. Anyways i've been here only for 2 years, so >>633 is pretty much I guess the case of me too. >>628 what didn't u get?
635 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/07 14:51 sorry, I just assumed that what I would have done if I had been in your place.... anyway, thats true I was talkin although I didnt know much about what you tell me :P what does make it so tough? discrepancy of ya cultural background? the way of thinking?
636 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 01:55 I am surprised at everybody's english. I really respect you.
637 名前:apen :03/08/08 15:00 nothing's tough, it's about quality of life. i'd be more satisfied being in japan while i'm young. being in american for youth and being in japan after that will be harder, you know. it's not like i have to be in japan or i have to be in the US or blah blah. What i feel as difficulty here is that 1st, the way of thinking, 2nd, Language, and cultural background comes 3rd. But these are none of the reason i'll work in japan. kinda random but see what'm saying?
638 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 15:08 >>636 You must be joking! Their grammar is horrible. Nobody here can write English.
639 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 15:14 >>638 I agree with you on that.
640 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 15:32 Oh!
641 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 15:44 EEK!!!
642 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 20:17 >>638 you reminded me of this story, you are like one of these japanese idiots. Like one year ago a guy who is native english speaker used to hang out in a chatroom where primarily japanese ppl talk in english and sometimes correct their english each other. He was very into japanese culture and was pretending he was japanese. Then guess what happened, the japanese ppl (of course who are diligent english learners) started to correct his english grammar and he was like what the heck. He started to tell his friends about this and showed what was going on. His friends were all having fun watching those japanese idiots, making a whole chat log recorded. They were all MIT students and they put up a webpage full of those logs, making fun of the japanese english speakers, pointing everything out by narrow-minded grammar knowledge accumulated through japanese education. In a few month some japanese students made a complaint about this and they put those down, but part of the webpage (making fun of japanese songs) is still there. http://www.mit.edu/people/patil/yatta.html It was once a little famous among students in whole USA. here's example http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~99potmat/media.html
643 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 20:23 みんな文長すぎ 読む気しねぇ
644 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 20:24 >>638 Now, would you like to point out how horrible their grammar is? LoL
645 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 20:26 >>643 >>642 は >>638 の批判だよ。がんばって読んでみ
646 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/08 20:29 >>638 君の英語もどうかと思うよ Nobody here can write English. ってどういう意味かわかってないでしょ
647 名前:638 :03/08/09 01:12 >>644 If you can't find anything wrong in the sentences they put in this thread, your English ability is very low.
648 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 01:14 目がいてえ
649 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 01:22 The government's findings ? laid out deep within the July 24 congressional report on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks ? aim to resolve one of the enduring mysteries of the deadliest terror attacks in U.S. history: What happened in the final minutes aboard Flight 93? The newly published excerpts from Mueller's testimony appear at odds with what families of some passengers have come to believe happened.
650 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 02:21 Make it a degree whether it is easy to be spare time people. I'm loking for working holiday's site. but this site is open....coooooooooooooooooo
651 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 02:35 ok/fuckyou
652 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 02:36 SEX!SEX!SEX!
653 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 02:58 English Quiz 1. Is maths a correct spelling? yes 2. A past participle of learn is learnt. yes 3. I am reading chemistry means I am studying English. yes 4. I haven't got any skill in writing is correct English. yes
654 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 03:11 3だけyes 違う?
655 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 03:23 ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ??????? ???????????????????????????
656 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 03:24 1. Deutschland erwache aus deinem bösen Traum! Gib fremden Juden in deinem Reich nicht Raum! Wir wollen kämpfen für dein Auferstehn! Arisches Blut soll nicht untergehn! 2. All diese Heuchler, wir werfen sie hinaus, Juda entweiche aus unserm deutschen Haus! Ist erst die Scholle gesäubert und rein, Werden wir einig und glücklich sein! 3. Wir sind die Kampfer der N.S.D.A.P.: Treudeutsch im Herzen, im Kampfe fest und zäh. Dem Hakenkreuze ergeben sind wir. Heil unserm Führer, Heil Hitler dir! Dem Hakenkreuze ergeben sind wir. Heil unserm Führer, Heil Hitler dir!
657 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 03:59 >>656 そおゆうのは止めなさい、マジで。
658 名前:トキコ :03/08/09 04:05 FUCK OFF, MAN!
659 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 07:11 >>642 激わらた。神 >>647 君本当に読解力ないね。>>644 はそんなこと全然言ってないよ。 >>644 >>642 と比べて >>637 >>647 の英語力が低いのは一目瞭然なんですけど。 >>637 >>647 ともに超不自然な英語だよ。ネイティブを100として30点。 神崎とかapenは完璧じゃないけどかなり自然な口語だよ。 >>642 は85点ぐらい。ま喋るのとは別だけどね。 ちなみに俺イギリス7年住んでて今も使いつづけてるから95点ぐらいで話せるよ 英語の質問なら受け付けるよ
660 名前:659 :03/08/09 07:24 要は日本人が口語でこういうとこで文法崩して話してるのを外人が指摘するようなもんだ。 誰か「しゃべれる」が正しくて「食べれる」が正しくない理由を即座に言える? 正しい崩し方と正しくない崩し方をしらないで文法を覚えると、>>642 の話の日本人や>>637 のようになる。 それに中途半端な文法知識で文法が正しければいいと思ってると、>>637 のようにCanがうまく使えなかったり不自然な単語(sentences,を出したりするわけだ。 >>637 にapenとかの英語の間違いがわかるとは思えない。
661 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 07:27 宣伝ご苦労様
662 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 07:31 荒れてんなー >>659 お前も英語で書いてみろ ちなみに>>637 の英語一番変なのは "ability is low" じゃないの?
663 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 07:34 >>642 このページってMITの学校ディレクトリ? こんなネタサイト作っていいのか?(w
664 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/09 07:35 (´・д・).。oO(あさっぱらからケンカかーよw)
665 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 07:37 つまんね
666 名前:659 :03/08/09 07:42 >>662 うんそれ書き忘れた。
667 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 07:42 なんとなく勃起 http://www.k-514.com/fe/ero.html
668 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 10:03 >>666 Are you are an EFL student? You are proud of a very low level of English communicative ability, aren't you?
669 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/09 10:05 >>668 (´・д・).。oO(たぶん2行目proud of a→proud of yourにしたほうがいいと思うよw)
670 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/09 10:06 (´・д・).。oO(あと付加疑問文ばっかり使ってるとフォモと間違えられるからw)
671 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/09 10:07 (´・д・).。oO(後very low level "of"っておかしくない?)
672 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/09 10:11 (´・д・).。oO(名詞節で取ってるからいいのか。まー良くわからんちん)
673 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 10:18 >>669 >>670 >>671 I'm afraid you've got biscuit-sized brains.
674 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/09 10:19 >>673 (´・д・).。oO(sure, ur very very smart and clever manねぇ♥)
675 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 11:16 642の英語って滅茶苦茶なんだけど それにきずかない奴って英語学校いってんだろ?
676 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 11:20 >>654 答えは全部イエスだよ。イギリス英語だけどな。
677 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 11:45 www.romatchic.com アメリカ人の紹介。日本のお見合いみたいなものかな。
678 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 17:20 Helllo
679 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/09 18:59 SEX
680 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/11 01:14 j'ai mal a tete.
681 名前:Chelsea :03/08/11 04:02 >>680 What's "tete"?
682 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 06:54 >>675 どこがめちゃくちゃなの? 普通の英語にしか見えないっすけど。君口語知らないだけでしょ?
683 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 06:55 >>675 は日本語も出来てないし
684 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 09:38 >>682 そういう事いってる奴は語学学校レベル。もしアメリカ人の友達がいたら どこが悪いか聞いてみろ?いっぱいあって指摘するのが面倒。
685 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 09:42 朝から元気だな
686 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 19:45 >>684 ハッタリバレバレでわらたよ。いっぱいあるなら一個一番ひどいのを指摘するのは簡単だからな ていうか俺ネイティブだから聞く必要も無いし。 微妙に変なとこは確かにあるが、ここに書いてある日本語が変なのと同じぐらいだよ。 しかも語学学校ってなんだ?英会話スクールのことか?そのレベルって意味わからん
687 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/12 19:52 いいじゃんいいじゃんー
688 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 20:04 >>684 実際俺みたいな英語素人の目から見たら、受験英語の知識で言えば間違いだらけだが、 使われてる英語として正しいかどうか判断することはできない。 だから>>684 か英語分かる人に分かりやすく指摘してもらうしかない。
689 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 20:10 馬鹿はどこにでもいるんだから、みんなでいじめるのはよそうぜ
690 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 21:35 >>686 おまえはネティブじゃないよ イギリスに七年いて語学学校いってんだろ?
691 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 21:42 こんなふうにコピペするだけでちょっとした収入になるんです。 1クリック1ポイントで1ポイント1円だけど、登録も無料。ってゆうか最後まで1円も掛かりません 安心だし結構クリック稼げます。うさんくさいとこでやるならここで!!!!!!!! 家で出来るし、どうせ2ちゃんみるならお小遣い稼ぎながら!!!!! http://www.adultshoping.com/addclickport.cgi?pid=1060619770
692 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 21:49 >>686 very intoてなんだよ?very much into だろ? おまえネティブか?
693 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/12 22:13 >>686 Like one year agoもおかしいしof courseの 位置も文法的におかしい。まだまだあるぞ。
694 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/12 22:26 まだやってんのかww
695 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/12 22:42 (´・д・).。oO(まねっこかんちゃんw)
696 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 01:05 yo yo yo guys! we all have to communicate in English over here maaan! if you want to criticize, just do it in English, knaaaa saaayin`?
697 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 03:46 >>681 i meant i have headaque. maybe the correct spelling was "tet"? i am not sure. my pc does not correspond to french alphabets. but i still have headaque.. heck!
698 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 03:51 how can i get a ? without doing copy and paste?
699 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 03:51 ?
700 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 03:52 i see.
701 名前:apen :03/08/13 08:54 >>693 very into も like a year ago も言うと思うけど... 君学校で習った文法に縛られてるでしょ? 君が正しいと思ってるvery much into はgoogle で27,000 very into は 23,000件 両方言うよ、ただinto自体が口語っぽいので俺ならreally into だけどね 俺的にはof course の位置も同じように言うよ。 ただ俺はネイティブでもなんでもないがね
702 名前:apen :03/08/13 09:04 Well i hate to say these sort of things. sorry for >>701 . But what's bad with wrong english anyways? Japanese people are supposed to use bad english and there's no right english anywhere. Also, we're supposed to have fun in 2ch. the story "7 years guy" told was kinda fun and that's what it's all about. At least I imagine he speaks English better than me.
703 名前:Chelsea :03/08/13 09:13 >>697 Oh, okay. I don't speak French at all. I know several words but that's it. I really want to learn it though. But I'm lazy, so... Whenever I have a headache and don't have a painkiller with me, I try to relieve the pain by pushing 'tubo' of my palms or by taking a warm bath. Sometimes it helps.
704 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 09:18 yse!! takasu clinic
705 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 09:20 >>702 I was thinking the same. >>703 Most of the headaches are because of the lack of taking water.
706 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 09:39 >>693 が>>642 に出てくる日本人そのものなのでワラタ
707 名前:resigned nonames :03/08/13 09:48 Here is the damned Internet.
708 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 13:10 文法ヲタうざい。 スレ違い
709 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 13:14 >>690 =>>692 ネティブって何だよw apen君も言ってるが、君のようなのが一番憐れだよ。 一生やってろ 「おまえネティブか」 ってな
710 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 13:19 Ichiro 「August in Kansas City is hotter than two rats fucking in old sock.」 -HBO News
711 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 19:42 I 'm not native,But my English level is native.
712 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 22:02 文法の謝りを直すのは心が狭いとかいってた奴がいるけど、 アメリカ人ほどスペルミスにうるさい国民はいないぞ。アメリカの yahoo message boardsにいってみろよ。アメリカ人どうしでスペルミス についていいあいしてるぞ。very intoはまだ正式には認められていない。 intoが前置詞だからだ。I'm very surprisedという言い方も昔は認められて いなかったが、surprisedが形容詞化して現在普通につかわれる。これと同じ ようにintoが形容詞化したのであろう。like one year agoをabout a year ago の意味で使うのは英語が下手な移民ぐらいだぞ。of courseは副詞句 なので関係代名詞代名詞の前においては駄目。文の最初か最後。または be動詞の 後、一般動詞の前に挿入。これは howeverやconsequentlyなどの副詞についても言える。 aとtheの違いが完璧にわからないとかbe going toとwillの使い分けができないとか 副詞句の修飾について知識がないとかレベルが低すぎる奴は英文法を勉強した方がいい。
713 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 22:03 >>712 意思疎通ができればそれでええやん。
714 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 22:04 i do not know engulish
715 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/13 22:05 uhhhhh,,,,, uhhhh,,, uhhhhhh,,,,, day
716 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 02:15 >>697 I have a headache が正しいね
717 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 07:39 >>712 超きもい あほじゃないの?
718 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 08:02 そんなのはみんなわかっててやってんだよ like one year ago が文法的に正しいなんて誰も思ってない。 移民どころかインテリどころの大学生とかもネイティブの間でもっとひどいのが普通に話されてるよ。 白人ならThat's of course one of the thing what i guess was wondering とか so much のかわりにso bad とか 黒人ならyou ain't no friend of mine とか it don't matter とか 口語なら副詞要素はどこにでも入ってくる。早く話せば話すほどね。 コミュニケーションって規則や記号に縛られてちゃできないよ。 >>712 は「ちょっと微妙にブルー入り気味」とか「つっか俺的にそれってなんだかなって感じ?」 とかいう日本語を辞書や参考書を読んであてはまらないから必死で文法的に否定してるのと同じだよ
719 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 08:13 >>718 It was pretty recent that they started to use "like" a lot and maybe >>712 doesn't know that. Now they say "I was like" "she was like" like every 10 seconds... Oops, i just used it too.
720 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 08:24 And another thing i just thought of is that one of the things they recently use a lot is "ok" as an adverb. ex) do you find your stuff ok?
721 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 10:57 >>718 話すのと書くのとは違うよ。wanna、gonnaなんて普通 インフォーマルな文章でも書かない。俊敏さが要求される チャットぐらいだろ?普通書くときは、大学教育を受けた アメリカ人はかなり難解な表現や語彙を使うものだし、低レベルな 文章を書く奴はまっとうな教育を受けてないと思われる。
722 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:04 ここでスペルミスを馬鹿にするアメリカ人がいかに多いか 教えてやろう。 http://search.messages.yahoo.com/search/messages?tag_M=spell&fname_M=txt_main
723 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:04 let's talk っていってんじゃん talk って話すって意味なんだよ。 文章読んで文句つけたいならスレ違いだ 「まっとうな教育」を受けてきた文法オタの英語コンプは去れ
724 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:12 スペルミスなんて誰も話題にしてないし、外人の方が英語できる日本人よりむしろ多いよ。 ていうかいい加減空気読んだら?wanna 書かないなんて誰でも知ってるっしょ
725 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:12 ていうか、ここの人たちわざわざ英語で話す必要ないでしょ。 文法英語だけとか、口語英語だけとかっていうのはどうでしょう? でも、教養のある人や上流階級の人は、ゆっくり話すし、口頭英語 は向こうでもあまり好まれないのでは??
726 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:21 かなり差別的な発言だな。アメリカ人に言ったらやんわり避けられるよ。 上流とか教養とか言う前にオフィシャルだからそうなるだけだろ
727 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:24 you guys get out of here, these bastards with nasty inferiority complex for english...
728 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:27 TOEIC 965 woo hoo?
729 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:38 googleでさがしたらyou can't spellで743,000出てきた。
730 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 11:48 アメリカ人の考えはスペルミスや文法ミスをするような 奴の意見は聞くに値しないと言う事だよ。
731 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/14 12:48 high time to cut the crap, isnt it.
732 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 13:13 スペルミスはきにするな。
733 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/14 23:50 うん。
734 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/14 23:51 (´・д・).。oO(まー、なんだかんだで一番ミスが多いのは俺なわけだがw)
735 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:34 biscuitって男だったの?
736 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:34 YES
737 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 00:35 (´・д・).。oO(俺は男だーよ)
738 名前: :03/08/15 00:35 what is suicide?
739 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:36 自殺?
740 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 00:37 (´・д・).。oO(自殺ー、動詞はCommitを取るよ)
741 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:38 >>740 英語得意?
742 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 00:40 >>741 (´・д・).。oO(んーブロークンなら)
743 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:41 Taro death
744 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:42 太郎です
745 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 00:43 (´・д・).。oO(LOL)
746 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:45 Taro was discharged.
747 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 00:46 >>746 (´・д・).。oO(棄却されるのかよw)
748 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:47 たろういずでぶ
749 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 00:49 (´・д・).。oO(right, absolutely right!)
750 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 00:58 Suck my cock!
751 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 01:00 (´・д・).。oO(Nope, anyway thx..)
752 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 07:26 In what sort of industries do you guys have prospective employment? In my case, I'm going to be an IT engineer in the public sector.
753 名前:山崎 渉 :03/08/15 16:48 (⌒V⌒) │ ^ ^ │<これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。 ⊂| |つ (_)(_) 山崎パン
754 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/15 16:58 Hi, there. anything interesting going on here...?
755 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 16:59 (´・д・).。oO(nothin', nothin' special, anyway long time no see, nasty. how have you been?)
756 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/15 17:04 i have been pretty busy with my part time job... so hectic sometimes i even slept at my office after miising the last trian i was surprised &happy this thread still exists! but there seems to be lots of dudes who wanna correct all the mistakes here... get a life! that's so ridisulous don't you think so? >biscuit
757 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 17:08 >>756 (´・д・).。oO(ridiculous... this word fits this thread perfectly, ditto! i got your situation... take care...)
758 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/15 17:11 thanks, but i have got three daysoff this weekend... really, really good for me! I am just gonna watch 'sex and the city'(my favourite show) and relax... don't have any palns to go out. so i might be going to pop by here often from now on
759 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 17:16 >>758 (´・д・).。oO(huh, that's nice! of cource you can pop! these days, i played squash a lot. suppose it's good for my health.)
760 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 17:21 (´・д・).。oO(nasty, if you don't mind, come to 馴れ合い thread. let's talk in Japanese, hehe)
761 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 22:43 あげ
762 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 22:56 Hi. Is anybody here now?
763 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 22:57 (´・д・).。oO(yep, im here. wassup???)
764 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/15 23:09 I,m here.
765 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/15 23:15 (´・д・).。oO(so what?┐(´∀`)┌ what kinda topic do ya wanna talk?)
766 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 02:52 I met crazy English girls. Lisa is a women I got to know over the internet. She brought me to her home and showed me her bedroom when we first met. I didn't know her very well, though. I didn't ask her for sex for the first time. But I found that she had couple of sex friends. I think she still lives in Nottingham. Is there anyone who met her? I met another crazy woman in England. She had two sons and was separated. We texted me and said I felt you inside me. She was 38. I asked her for sex after having dates with her twice, but she said I was not prepared. I dumped her, because I knew I was not intersted in her. I just wanted to have sex with her.
767 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 02:54 >>766 You are crazy!
768 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 02:54 ははは、市ね
769 名前:訂正 :03/08/16 02:54 She texted me
770 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 02:54 I am virgin
771 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 02:57 >>770 I'm a virgin.だぞ。
772 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:00 >>771 うん。
773 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:01 I dumped her, because she promised me to have sex with me, but she said she was not prepared. What a fucking girl!
774 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/16 03:02 >>773 (´・д・).。oO(Dumped into/ontoのほうが迫力でるぞw)
775 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:05 だれかアメリカの停電の理由を英語で詳しく説明してみろ!
776 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/16 03:06 >>775 (´・д・).。oO(Watch CNN/CNBC/CBS/ABC)
777 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:08 I hate Japanese small tits.
778 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:08 >>776 英語でCNN聞いてるけどわからへんねん。 今副音声では放送してないし。
779 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:10 Like a virgin〜
780 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:11 I love a virgin!
781 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:13 Big boobs is a must.
782 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 03:16 This thread shoud disappear!
784 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/16 14:22 >>781 >>783 what's wrong with small boobs? they are sexy, too
785 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 14:26 ソフトオンデマンドというAV会社から9月ににすーぱーふりーのレイプビデオ発売 無料サンプル動画が見れる。事件忠実に再現。 http://www.sod.co.jp/top/index.shtml トップページに入ったら左上の新作をクリック ↓ 開いたページの一番左の列で上から9番目の「スーパーフリー」ってビデオでクリック ↓ 開いたページの無料サンプルで一分間のレイプ動画が見れる。今回の事件そのまんま。
786 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/16 14:32 >>775 "New York Governor George Pataki said the outage may have originated in Canada, but conceded 'At this point I don't think anyone can give you that answer.'" Pataki... where is he originally from? i'm curious
787 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/16 14:36 >>784 That' sour grapes, isn't it? Bigger is better. Size does matter.
788 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/16 14:36 now the electricity came back but they are suffered from the shortage of water and gas instead. what the hell is George Bush doing? that dude is an idiot
789 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/16 14:40 >>787 oh, thank you so much!! my exs all liked my small breasts, though. and some of my guy friends prefer them to big ones technique and heart matter.
790 名前:nasty girl ◆3yMYCQiOMU :03/08/16 15:12 i am gonna leave... there seems to be noone around. ciao!
791 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 01:08 I learnt a thing from a crazy English girl. She told me that happiness is more important than money. I think Japanese people need to learn how to become happy, not how to become rich. English people seem to be enjoying life, even if they are not rich. Don't sacrifice your life for a company you are going to work for. That's a message from me.
792 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 01:10 HOW DO DO
793 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 01:20 >>791 『わたし、イギリスの頭のおかしい女の子からある事を学んだ。 その子は、幸せはお金より大切だと。日本の女は金のことばかり じゃなくて幸せについて考えた方がいいんじゃないの? イギリスの女は、金がなくても幸せに暮らしてるよ。 会社のために人生を犠牲にするなんて馬鹿げてるわ。 わたしからのメッセージよ。』 何が言いたいのよ、あんた。
794 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/17 17:03 guess she was tryin' to show her thought about job-hunting.
795 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/17 17:04 , since the board is for that.
796 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/17 17:10 (´・д・).。oO(anyway, now we have some chances to be interviewed for fall recruiting processes... if you guys take some interviews, i hope your good luck.)
797 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 17:51 In many Japanese books, Irashaimase is translated as May I help you? But that's not right at all. If they say,“My I help you?", you are expected to answer that question. I really don't like to be said so loud,“Irashaimase.” I find that a bit showy and nasty. Saying Irashaimase loud doesn't make good vibrations. What do you think?
798 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:00 >>787 That' sour grapes, isn't it? Bigger is better. Size does matter. I see. So you have tiny cock like 5 year old's. Size does matter.
799 名前:kj :03/08/17 21:18 ei yo mother fucker! from Deep Impact
800 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:23 I get 800!
801 名前:? :03/08/17 21:24 I've just gotten No,800!!
802 名前:? :03/08/17 21:24 I've just gotten No,800!!
803 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/17 21:24 >>797 First paragragh, agree. Second, disagree.
804 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:27 >>801 取れない場合もある。
805 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:28 >>799 I know who you are!
806 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:49 Japanese B cup is very small. American B cup=Japanese A cup
807 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:50 I love B cup. I hate busty girl.
808 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 21:52 >>806 Sorry. I made a mistake. Japanese B cup= American A cup
809 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 22:09 I am A cup. I'm shame of it.
810 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 22:39 I want to go NEW YORK
811 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:48 >>809 Do you have a boyfriend?
812 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:49 >>811 On, I have a boyfriend.
813 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:51 質問なんだけどさ、話してる最中に「うるせえ、黙れ」って 英語だとシャラップだよな?be quietじゃないよな?
814 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:52 Are any of you "kikoku" from the south bay area (cal us)? I kinda miss it over there, living in the crazy jungle of Tokyo.
815 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:54 >>813 shut up is true
816 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:57 I have expirience studied abroad.
817 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/17 23:58 be quietって連発してるバイト先の料理長、寒い。 英語下手なのに外国人には英語で話してるし。 俺って英語はなせるんだぜ?オーラが出ててキツイ
818 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 00:00 >>814 (´・д・).。oO(i've stayed there for just one year... anyway im still missing there.)
819 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 00:03 >>817 If you have a feeling communicate with onher, your intension can transmit.
820 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 00:29 >>812 You have a very nice boyfriend. I don't want a girlfriend with a-cup tits. I like nice big boobs and butts.
821 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 00:33 I like a cup
822 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 00:44 I have a preference for girls with big asses and boobs. Japanese women with big tits and butts are very very rare. A girl with small tits and butts just can't arouse me sexually.
823 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 00:45 so what? just go find. go!go!
824 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 00:46 (´・д・).。oO(gooooooooooooooooooooooooo!)
825 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 00:59 >>816 Really? I can't believe ya. Your English is full of crap.
826 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:01 >>825 Neta ni maji res
827 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:06 >>826 Write in English, little man.
828 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:12 英語は嫌いなんじゃボケ!!!!
829 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:15 >>827 ok, you're not cool.
830 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:15 >>828 Then, you are not allowed to write here. Did you have a look at the title of this thread?
831 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:17 フムフム あなたは冷静ではない/2枚目ではない
832 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:18 >>830 Come on! Be opened.
833 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:18 >>831 YOU're cool.
834 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:20 831 Why you guys, talking English !
835 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:21 >>834 coz I just happened to write on this thread!
836 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:24 >>834 Because my English is better than my Japanese
837 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:25 >>836 uso-!
838 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:26 (´・д・).。oO(take it easy, guys!)
839 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:26 >>837 I'm joking.
840 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:27 831 フムフム なりゆきで、ですか。日本語より英語が達者なんてうらやましい。 西田ひかるや早見優もそんなこと言ってるよね。
841 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:27 >>838 don't worry, we're just joking >>839 I knew.
842 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:28 i cunt spook inglish
843 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:28 (´・д・).。oO(that's funny, i love ur style)
844 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:28 >>842 mi two
845 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:29 suck my dick
846 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:29 >>843 jien jya nai yo
847 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:29 >>844 ju're so match uv fan.
848 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:29 >>845 kita-
849 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:29 >>845 i cunt find it. were isi?
850 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:30 >>844 Me three
851 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:30 (´・д・).。oO(me four)
852 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:31 お前ら数人自演してるだろw
853 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:31 meef I've
854 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:31 >>852 jien jien shitenai yo-
855 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:32 >>854 (´・д・).。oO(LOL)
856 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:32 jien site .... naiyo-
857 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:32 >>854 barebaredayo-
858 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:33 >>857 fuck yourself.
859 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:34 I want to lick your pussy.
860 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:34 >>858 Could you please show me how to do it?
861 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:34 うるせーばか
862 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:34 馬鹿って言うやつが馬鹿なんだよ!
863 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:34 geda outta here you nerd.
864 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:35 >>860 No tanks, mom.
865 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:35 >>863 (´・д・).。oO(me? sure)
866 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:36 Screw U
867 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:36 >>863 My pleasrure.
868 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:38 Here comes no one....
869 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:38 Thanks very much
870 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:38 >>869 any time.
871 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:39 just a couple of minuets, so dont say no one is here. I am still here.
872 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:40 I'm still here.
873 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:41 (´・д・).。oO(kool, dude, love your funny joke>kanz)
874 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:42 >>873 thanks. but I guess twas kinda uchiwa-neta w
875 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:43 >>871 I knew you're here. You definitely wrote 854, I can tell.
876 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:43 My name is Midnightstar. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me. I want to share my bed with you sometime. I'm good in bed. Bye
877 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:43 (´・д・).。oO(have a good dream. c-ya.)
878 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:44 >>875 haha! right. how d'you know that.
879 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:45 >>876 good. try me anytime if you are female. see you.
880 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:45 (´・д・).。oO(suppose there's a センプクバカ here, isnt there?)
881 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:46 >>880 oh oh, you gotta remember the possibility that all the things were my jien. :P w
882 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:46 >>878 Your joke always smell like "神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk" for me.
883 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:46 >>880 urusyai!
884 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:47 >>882 well well... how does it smell, then? hope its not bad for ya.
885 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:47 >>881 (´・д・).。oO(i can feel the aura of センプクバカ. as ya know, hehe)
886 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:48 >>885 Ops, I didnt feel it. buhahaha!
887 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:49 >>886 (´・д・).。oO(huh, kinda drunken man always likes that. anyway you're still listen to my radio?)
888 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:51 (´・д・).。oO(listeningに緊急訂正w)
889 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:51 >>884 I like your sempuking, I guess.
890 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:52 >>887 yes, but the volume is low, since my family is home tonight.
891 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 01:53 Oh, you guys are talking about private issure. Bye :-)
892 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:53 aha-! forgot to wear my name. :P >>889 but I dont like my puking.
893 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:53 (´・д・).。oO(so, guys, now i don't want to be a third wheel, have a fun.)
894 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:55 ok. see you guys.
895 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 01:56 third wheel or three wheels.
896 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 01:56 (´・д・).。oO(third wheel, it means, "邪魔者")
897 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 02:02 >>896 LOL. didnt know that, just thought like, "三輪?" w
898 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 02:05 (´・д・).。oO(Nope, i mean, i could be a third wheel among us. so i chose leaving here, but センプクバカ left here, whata cruel.)
899 名前:レイ ◆N0gHIICREY :03/08/18 03:17 見つかるからすねてお風呂はいっただけでつよ?
900 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 03:53 (´・д・).。oO(そうですかい。まーゆっくり休んでください。)
901 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 05:44 oh oh, dont say that, man. no one could be a third wheel, becuz this is open space. anyway, we are just fooling around here and there :P
902 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 05:46 (´・д・).。oO(everywhere, as ya know. but sometime i feel so alone, sorry bout dat.)
903 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 05:49 sometimes feel alone? NO WAY!! I feel ALWAYS like that. :-))
904 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 05:52 (´・д・).。oO(no, no way, you? no! I do!)
905 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 05:54 how come..... you know what, I dont only feel, but AM alone. for loooooooooooong while. its like, Once upon a time, :-)))))))
906 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 06:25 (´・д・).。oO(not so long ago... kanz used to work on the labs. prof's been on strike, he's down on his luck... it's tough, so tough)
907 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 07:12 yeah! its really like livin' on a prayer LoL
908 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 13:18 I love hip hop
909 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:35 100000000
910 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:35 10000000000
911 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:36 1000000000000
912 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:36 100000000000000
913 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:36 1000000000000000
914 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 21:36 (´・д・).。oO(wassup???)
915 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:37 10000000
916 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 21:37 まだまだだろww
917 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:37 1000000000000
918 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:37 10000000000000000000000
919 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:39 10000000
920 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:39 100000000
921 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:40 10000000
922 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:40 1000000000
923 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:41 10000000000
924 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 21:42 消費したいんならsageの方がいいぞ。
925 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:42 100000000
926 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:43 I'm held by many to be one of the sexiest guys in Japan.
927 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:43 10000000000000000000000000
928 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:43 100000000000
929 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:43 100000000000000
930 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:43 >>927 asshole
931 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:44 10000000000000000000
932 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:44 10000000000000000000000
933 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:44 1000000000000000000000
934 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:45 2get!!!
935 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:45 100000000
936 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:45 motherfucker
937 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:45 100000000000
938 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:46 100000000000000000
939 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:46 motherfucker
940 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:46 1000000000000000000
941 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:46 1000000000
942 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 21:46 (´・д・).。oO(what's the hell goin' on here?)
943 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:46 I'm held by many to be one of the sexiest guys in Japan.
944 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:47 1000000000000000
945 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:47 10000000000000000000000000
946 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:47 ,,,,,,,,,, ,,ii,,、 ,,,i,,、 .,lllllllll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,iillllllllllii,, ,,,iillllllllii,,, iiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll| ゙゙!lllllllllllllir .,,,iilllllllllllllll!゙゙′ .llllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!″ ゙゙!!ll!゙",,,iilllllllllllll!!゙゙゜ .゙゙゙゙゙゙”゛ llllllllllliiiiiiii,,,,,,,、 ,,,iillllllllllll!!゙゙゜ ___,,,,, ,,,iiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii,, ,,,,,,,,,iiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .,,illlllllllllllllllllll゙゙゙゙゙゙!!llllllllllllli, .,,,,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,、 .llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!l ,illllllllll!゙゙llllllllll| ,illlllllllllllllll, liilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli,, lllllllllll!!lllllllllllllll!!゙゙゙”` ,llllllllll゙ .lllllllllll .,,illlllllllllllllllllll、 ゙llllll!!゙゙゙’ ゚゙llllllllll ゙゙”`.,illllllllll!l゙’ : llllllllll° .llllllllllll,illllllllll!゙`lllllllllll .゙゙゜ ,llllllllll! ,llllllllllll° : llllllllll, lllllllllllllllllll!゙゜ ,lllllllllll ,,,illllllllll!゜ .llllllllllllli,_ ,,,,,,,,iiiiiii、 : 'lllllllllllliiilllllllllllllll!!゙’ ,lllllllllll° .,,,,iiillllllllllll!゙゜ ゙!llllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllll,、 .゙!!lllllllllllllllll!!!゙゙` .l!!llllllll° .゙!lllllll!!!゙° ゙゙!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
947 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:48 10000000
948 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:48 1000000000000
949 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:48 7月からうざい
950 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:49 10000000000000
951 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:49 100000000000000000
952 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:49 10000000
953 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:49 100000000000000000
954 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:50 100000000
955 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:50 100000000000000
956 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:51 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
957 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:51 10000000000000000
958 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:51 100000000000000000000000
959 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:51 100000000000
960 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:52 100000000000000
961 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:52 100000000000000000
962 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:52 10000000000000000000000000000000000
963 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:53 藻前ら気が早い
964 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:54 100000000
965 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 21:56 10000000000
966 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 21:56 せんせんせん
967 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 21:56 (´・д・).。oO(はええっつーのw)
968 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 21:56 太郎のレスがはええっつーのw
969 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 21:58 (´・д・).。oO(俺は遅漏の常習犯だけど何か?)
970 名前:レイ ◆N0gHIICREY :03/08/18 21:58 寝た振りしてまたゲットしてやる!
971 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 22:00 (´・д・).。oO((♯()ω()♯) !妖怪めええええええええええ)
972 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:02 100000000
973 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:02 100000000000000
974 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:04 100000000000000
975 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:04 100000000000000000
976 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 22:05 (´・д・).。oO((σ´□`)σ・・・・…━━━━☆ズキューン!!)
977 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:06 10000000
978 名前:神崎 ◆pAjhKkAnzk :03/08/18 22:06 せんまぁだ〜?
979 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:07 1000000000
980 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:08
981 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:08 10000000000
982 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:08
983 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:08 みんな早く糞スレ葬りたいんだね
984 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:08 10000000000000
985 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:08 . .
986 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 .........
987 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 1000000000000000
988 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 ......................................
989 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 ................................................
990 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 1000000
991 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 ........................................
992 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:09 10000000000
993 名前:sage番町 ◆oU9jYs4WZE :03/08/18 22:09
994 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:10 ..............
995 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:10 ...............
996 名前:就職戦線異状名無しさん :03/08/18 22:10 .....
997 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 22:10 (´・д・).。oO(1000キタ━━━━━━(゚(゚(゚(゚(゚(゚(゚∀゚*)━━━━━━ !!!!! )
998 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 22:10 (´・д・).。oO(v(。・ω・。)ィェィ♪)
999 名前:1000 :03/08/18 22:10
1000 名前:biscuit ◆Xph5cooKIE :03/08/18 22:10 (´・д・).。oO(ヾ(*´∀`)丿ワショーイ )
1001 名前:1001 :Over 1000 Threadこのスレッドは1000を超えました。 もう書けないので、新しいスレッドを立ててくださいです。。。